So today was my doctor appointment. It was at 10:20am. We all go in and Johannsen sees I'm a good 4cm dilated. My blood pressure is a little high so she calls over to the doctor on call to see if they can just induce me today. He says sure so we head over to triage all excited.
Belle about flips out with excitement and tells everyone we pass on the way that we are having a baby today.
So we get there and Nurse Grumpy-Pants tells asks us if they told us it may not happen today because the delivery rooms are really full. We said no they just told us we may have to wait a few hours. Her entire demeanor was as if she was annoyed at us for coming in and making her work. I even said "Well they sent us here, not like we insisted to come."
At one point Belle was in there with me and the nurse came in and first thing Belle asks is "Are you a bad guy?" I have no idea what possessed her but can only assume she could pick up on the nurse's vibe instantly. :)
They get me hooked up to the monitors and then comes my favorite part... the IV. I tell Nurse Grump about how I hate these. It isn't a fear or ick factor it is a pain thing. She starts tooting her horn about how she's great at them and how I must have had a bad nurse do them before. She then proceeds to start one on my left arm and totally botches it. Hurt like hell! So is surprised that she had a problem with it and blames it on my vein in that arm. She then tries the right arm. It works but still hurt like hell. She says over and over how she's never had to stick a patient twice before... gee my luck.
They give me antibiotics for 20 minutes for the strep-b and then unhook me and let me go walk around and grab some lunch. We came back at about 2:45 and went back on the monitors for another hour or so. My blood pressure was up and down the entire time. Sometimes elevated... sometimes just fine. I definitely am contracting but as with Belle is seems like without medical induction my babies just want to slowly open the door and look around before trying to venture out.
Then the doctor finally shows up (first time I'd seen him). He checks my cervix and I'm still at 4cm. So he breaks the news that with the delivery rooms being so full and my being stable and not rapidly progressing on my own they are going to send me home. But he said I should make and appointment with Johannsen for friday to be checked again.
On the way out Nurse Grumpy-Pants wished us luck and all that. I swear she was the most chipper and nicer at that time then she had been all day!
I of course agree that anyone who is in full blown labor should take precedent but it was still VERY annoying. I mean we had gotten our hopes up completely! And I was annoyed at the doctor for giving my doctor the ok to send me over in the first place!
On the way home Belle said "Well look on the bright side mommy... maybe next time you'll get Johannsen instead!" :)
Belle about flips out with excitement and tells everyone we pass on the way that we are having a baby today.
So we get there and Nurse Grumpy-Pants tells asks us if they told us it may not happen today because the delivery rooms are really full. We said no they just told us we may have to wait a few hours. Her entire demeanor was as if she was annoyed at us for coming in and making her work. I even said "Well they sent us here, not like we insisted to come."
At one point Belle was in there with me and the nurse came in and first thing Belle asks is "Are you a bad guy?" I have no idea what possessed her but can only assume she could pick up on the nurse's vibe instantly. :)
They get me hooked up to the monitors and then comes my favorite part... the IV. I tell Nurse Grump about how I hate these. It isn't a fear or ick factor it is a pain thing. She starts tooting her horn about how she's great at them and how I must have had a bad nurse do them before. She then proceeds to start one on my left arm and totally botches it. Hurt like hell! So is surprised that she had a problem with it and blames it on my vein in that arm. She then tries the right arm. It works but still hurt like hell. She says over and over how she's never had to stick a patient twice before... gee my luck.
They give me antibiotics for 20 minutes for the strep-b and then unhook me and let me go walk around and grab some lunch. We came back at about 2:45 and went back on the monitors for another hour or so. My blood pressure was up and down the entire time. Sometimes elevated... sometimes just fine. I definitely am contracting but as with Belle is seems like without medical induction my babies just want to slowly open the door and look around before trying to venture out.
Then the doctor finally shows up (first time I'd seen him). He checks my cervix and I'm still at 4cm. So he breaks the news that with the delivery rooms being so full and my being stable and not rapidly progressing on my own they are going to send me home. But he said I should make and appointment with Johannsen for friday to be checked again.
On the way out Nurse Grumpy-Pants wished us luck and all that. I swear she was the most chipper and nicer at that time then she had been all day!
I of course agree that anyone who is in full blown labor should take precedent but it was still VERY annoying. I mean we had gotten our hopes up completely! And I was annoyed at the doctor for giving my doctor the ok to send me over in the first place!
On the way home Belle said "Well look on the bright side mommy... maybe next time you'll get Johannsen instead!" :)
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