Friday, January 9, 2009

hmmm..... (warning may be too much info for some!)

So... I went to the bathroom about an hour ago to find I'm having a lot of brown discharge. Now, my doctor did check my cervix today which can cause you to bleed a little and have extra discharge. Last time she checked it I had some discharge with some pinkishness in it. But this is different! For one it is a lot more. Enough for me to have a pantie liner on. Secondly... it's brown!

I put a call into my doctor. I'm waiting for them to call me back and they are taking their sweet merry time about it!

While waiting I was talking on IM to Melissa and she said she had the same thing. That she had that around 6 or 7 in the evening and then her water broke at 9:30. So she's convince I'll have the baby tonight. Oh I hope she is right!!

So just for grins (and because I'm trying to keep myself from going nuts while waiting) here is who is up next in the baby birthday and weight poll:

Gaga: Jan 9th 9 pounds 5oz
Tracey: Jan 9th 9 pounds 4oz (21 inchs)

Mareena: Jan 10th 9 pounds 4 oz

Belle: Jan 11th 8 pounds 6oz
Melissa: Jan 11th 9 pounds 1 oz
Dana: Jan 11th 9 pounds
Keri: Jan 11th (8:03pm) 8 pounds 3oz

Update: Nurse just called back (3:50pm). She thinks it is due to the exam I got today. But did say that being so close to my due date to keep an eye on it and not to be affraid to call back even if in the middle of the night.

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