Friday, January 16, 2009

Doctor Appointment

We went in today at 9:20am. Saw Johannsen. She checked my cervix and I am still 4cm dilated but am now 90% effaced. So that's good, but still doesn't mean I'm immanent.

She is on call sunday so she filled out the paperwork for me to have a scheduled induction on then. She did warn us that there would still be a chance that we could get bummed again and sent home but that she was 90% sure she could work us in. The problem is that I'm actually having a very healthy pregnancy. :) So as she put it I am a borderline elective induction. Her reasons for wanting to induce are because my blood pressure is starting to creep up, not a lot but given my past history she's more mindful of it. And then there is the fact that this baby is bigger. I've made it clear to her that I do not want to risk having a c-section because the baby gets to big to pass through. I'm not scared of having a big baby but am not wanting to hear "Your baby is stuck in the birth canal so we need to do a c-section." that would tick me off.

I asked her how big she felt the baby was now and she is guessing between 9 and 9 and 1/2 pounds. If the ultrasound I had on the 29th was right and she was 8 pounds 7oz then and a baby gains about a 1/2 pounds a week then Moya could be almost 10.

So how it will work tomorrow is that between 7am and 10am they will call me and tell me they have a room open. We'll go in and go from there. If they don't call me by noon I am to call my doctor and see what's up.

How she is hoping the induction goes is that she can get me in there early enough and start and IV with the antibiotics, get those swirling around for an hour or two and then break my water and see if I go into labor on my own. If time is more of a concern then she'll start the antibiotics and pitocin around the same time and the break my water later. She just doesn't want to break my water until the antibiotics have had time to get in there. I'm strep-b positive so that's why it's more tricky I guess.

So that's the plan! Of course all could change if I go into labor on my own. But I doubt it... my babies seem to just like to slowly open the door and look around.

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