Saturday, January 17, 2009

Due Date

Well... here it is! January 17th 2009. Now where's my darn baby! :)

Actually at this point I'm hoping to not go into labor today. Tomorrow is my scheduled induction day and while I'd rather go into labor naturally, I DO want Johannsen to deliver Moya if at all possible. That would be just to great to have her be the one to deliver both my babies.

So today we're just taking it easy and relaxing. Go to bed at a good time and then wait to be called in the morning.

I spent some time last night just watching and feeling my belly move. At one point Moya was all on one side and my belly looked like a ski slope. I am looking forward to getting to hold her but I will of course miss feeling those movements... it is so amazing. It's been a fun ride all in all. I've really enjoyed it for the most part. I've enjoyed the belly photos and sharing this experience with Belle. There is something special about having your baby involved in the pregnancy of your next baby. I hope Moya looks back at all the belly pictures and thinks how sweet they are... and how big a nutcase her big sister is. :) And I hope Belle always remembers this time and it helps her bound with her little sister.

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