Friday, January 9, 2009

Doctor Appointment

sigh... so I had a doctor appointment today. I really had thought I wouldn't make this appointment because I'd of had the baby by now. But no luck so we went in... all of us. We brought Belle and my mom with us in hopes that the doctor would just induce me or tell me "oh hey you're already in labor let's just go and give it a little push." Whatever... I just was hoping that this would be it.

So we go in and she checked my cervix. I'm at 4cm dilated. She then hooked me up to the fetal monitor and baby sounds great. But... no induction today. :( Just got to wait and see.

She said I have a bulging bag of amniotic fluid between the baby's head and the cervix, once that breaks it should all go pretty quickly.

In other news I tested positive for Strep B so that means I'll get antibiotics during labor. No big deal really.

I have another appointment set for next Wednesday at 10:20am. If I make that appointment I'm going to be in a REAL bad mood. :)

1 comment:

Tracey said...

On the plus side, the first 4 cm usually take the longest, so that work is already behind you! So, no high blood pressure either?!? Yeah! Call if you need to vent or if you need a "phone doula" pep talk:) Love you and I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing all about baby Moya. I think I hear the ticking all the way from IA;)