Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Bath

So we decided we'd give Moya her first bath since being home. How did it go? Well pictures can say more then words. :)
Belle took after her daddy and loved baths, Moya it seems has taken after me and hated them. You'd think I was torturing her she screamed so much. I mean not just crying but lip quivering screaming.

But the end results were still good... clean baby.

Afterwards we lotioned and dressed her... and got a better understanding of her hair! It has a little natural wave to it and fluffs up in just a hilariously cute way. It's as if all those hair products Daddy uses has made it into his DNA!


Tracey said...

Oh, poor thing. What a look of despair! Maybe get rid of the sling part of the tub and use more water? Maybe she wants to be submerged more:) Good thing babies don't need lots of baths. Hope she grows to enjoy them.

Jerusha said...

I doubt submerging would help. The problem is that she just doesn't like to be messed with. She doesn't like anything that involves removing clothing and moving her around a lot. :)