Grandma and Papi came up to meet Moya. We took the girls to the park. Belle had fun playing with Papi and Grandma and Daddy. Moya on the other hand wasn't to happy being at the park. :) Not to worry she'll appriciate it when she gets older.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Moya's First Snow
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Moya In Her Room
We showed Moya her room for the first time. She sleeps with Mommy and Daddy currently so she's not really had a reason to be in her room yet. But we wanted to show it to her. Belle did the intro.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
First Bath
So we decided we'd give Moya her first bath since being home. How did it go? Well pictures can say more then words. :)
Belle took after her daddy and loved baths, Moya it seems has taken after me and hated them. You'd think I was torturing her she screamed so much. I mean not just crying but lip quivering screaming.
But the end results were still good... clean baby.
But the end results were still good... clean baby.
First Doctor Appointment

Moya had her first doctor appointment today. She got to meet Dr. Brubaker her pediatrician. It was weird being in the waiting room and hearing them call "Moya" instead of "Belle". :)
The appointment went fine and she didn't get poked with any needles... yet. She has to come back next week just to get her second PKU test.
She weighed 10.035 pounds today. She measured 21 and 1/4 inches but I don't think that was accurate. Moya was squirming all over the place and the nurse measured in a bit of a rush. Not that it really matters.
Doctor said everything seems fine. Moya is a bit jaundice but she isn't worried about it thus far.
She will be seen again in one month!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Moya's Birth

Sunday was destined to be the day. On Friday at my doctor appointment Johannsen sent in the paperwork to schedule my induction. She said that sometime between 7 and 10am the hospital nurse would call me to come in. I was happy to know the time was coming. 
She got me into a gown and got my IV in... and by the way she was truly awesome at the IV! She numbed my arm and it hardly hurt at all! YAY! The doctor who was on call, Dr. Bohmke, came in to see how I was doing. We joked about how my "induction" was obviously going to be very easy. She asked if I wanted an epidural. I said I really had wanted to try not too but was having second thoughts. She said that on the plus side of not having one was that I would probably deliver very soon. But on the plus side of having one was that it may delay labor long enough to give the antibiotics time to get in my system to combat the strep-b. She by no means talked me into it, but I decided to have the epidural anyway. Maybe I wimped out but I just wanted to be calm and enjoy the experience and not freak out Belle because I was in so much pain. And since I was strep-b positive that gave me an out to get one and not feel too guilty about it. :)
So we had gotten to the room by 7:30, by 7:45 I had gotten my IV, had the antibiotics flowing, and had my epidural. Belle and my mom waited outside while I had the epidural. It went fine. The doctor who did it (Dr. Hanns) apparently is one of their bests. It didn't even pinch like it did last time. Dr. Bohmke checked my cervix and I was already at 8cm. She was convinced that there was a good chance she'd still end up delivering me even with the epidural. She said she wasn't going to check me very often because she didn't want to risk my water breaking. Again wanting to make sure to delay delivery for the antibiotics (apparently 4 hours is the magic number... they want the drugs going for 4 hours if possible to ensure that myself and baby would be okay). My water did break the last time she checked me when I was at 10cm. Johannsen was already at the office and coming down soon. Dr. Bohmke, said that Johannsen had called to see how I was doing and was shocked to hear that I was already pretty much fully complete!
Meanwhile, Belle had put on her scrubs and had won over my nurse completely. I really can't sing Jalina's praises enough. She not only took great care of me but she was so wonderful with Belle. She gave her a mask and hair net to go with her outfit and let her put a real stethoscope around her neck, and the special feet covers too. She then took her around to show her off to all the other nurses. My mom followed and took video of it. Belle being Belle worked her charisma and was a big hit... and here I thought I was supposed to be the center of attention! :) I'm kidding... I loved that she was so included and made to feel comfortable. I think it really helped her feel secure with what was going on with me.
Arround 9 something Johannsen came in and talked to us and joked that this was a really easy induction and how she figured she'd have more time before needing to be there.
Finally I started to feel the pressure to want to push. I had asked for a mirror to view the birth, they got that set up and set up the bed for the birth. Johannsen came in and Jaline called in another nurse to assist. Belle told my mom she wanted to leave so they went out into the hall. But then right before I started to push Belle changed her mind and told my mom emphatically that she wanted to be in the room. My mom told her that they couldn't be going in and out so she needed to be sure. Belle insisted she had to be in the room for the birth. So the came back in and went back into a corner of the room to watch. It was a nice spot for them, out of the way, near the door if they needed to get out quick, able to see but not be 'front and center'. Belle I heard asking me a few times if I was okay while I pushed and I assured her I was in between pushes. She stayed for the entire thing and even came and got a better look once. She was amazing and I was so glad to have her there.
The birth came very quickly. Three pushes was all it took to deliver Moya. It was amazing to watch! I literally was laughing the entire time it was so cool. I've seen births before but never my own. I really had wished I'd have thought to ask for a mirror with Belle, and am so glad I thought to do so this time. At first being able to see made me hesitant to push because I was looking at her head coming out and thinking "okay that has to hurt!" it didn't hurt to badly because of the epidural, but I couldn't help but think that if I pushed it would start to hurt. But after the first push I just ignored that instinct to hold back. It was so incredible to see her come out. And like I said it happened so fast. Her head came out and then an arm that sent some amniotic fluid flying that got Brad square in the chest. :) But then one more push and there she was! I was laughing and crying all at once. They laid her on my chest and my first thought I have to admit was "good lord she's heavy!" I looked at her and saw how beautiful she was while Brad cut the cord. 

I did tear a little so Johannsen had to stitch me up while I cuddled Moya. Apparently her upper arm came out first instead of her lower one so I tore close to my urethra which scored me a catheter for the next 24+ hours. After I was all cleaned up they weighed Moya. We all put in our final guesses and I said that judging by how she felt on my chest there was no way I thought she could be under 10 pounds. Sure enough... 10 pounds 4.4 ounces!
Her weight also meant she'd have to be tested for low blood sugar. Any baby over 9 pounds gets this. Apparently big babies burn more calories then they can take in. Moya's was low, 33 if I remember correctly. They had me start nursing her but said her best bet would be to supplement with formula as well as breastfeeding to get her more calories. The danger they said was that low blood sugar could affect her brain. So we agreed to the formula.

Belle then got to hold her little sister which was super sweet to see. Being an only child it was very bizzar for me to see my daughter with her sister. Bizzar in a good and very touching way however.
After a couple hours they moved us to the recovery room; room 480. Our first nurse there was Liz who was very sweet and compassionate. We also got visits from the Pediatrician there who talked with us about Moya's blood sugar. She said if they could get three good readings in a row then she would put her in the clear. If not then they'd need to move her to NICU with an IV. :( It took awhile to get her blood sugar to go up and stay up but eventually she got there. We did formula and I pumped and fed her that as well (we did that because nursing is harder work for babies and thus meant burning more calories which we didn't want her to do).
Belle and Gaga stayed until the evening and then decided to head home for the night. This was hard for both me and Belle. I wanted her to stay but knew she'd not be at all comfortable there over night. She also wanted to stay but I could tell she was tired too. It was hard to say good night to her. But it was good she left because that night was in and out nurses in our room.
The next day, Monday, I was able to get my IV out and the catheter. It was nice to be tube free. We also got the professional photos taken of her which turned out nice.
We did get a scare while the photographers where there. After they were done I had let Moya rest on a pillow in my lap. She had been really unhappy with all the moving around for the photos so I was just giving her a second peace before I moved her again. What I didn't see was that her head was too far forward. She let out this terrible cry and I picked her up and we noticed she was blue! Brad went and grabbed two nurses who instantly picked Moya right out of my arms
to examine her. I was panicked. I felt horrible for having not been more careful with her position. But she was instantly crying which meant she was breathing so I knew that was a good sign. They looked and listened to her and said she sounded fine now but they called the pediatrician to come and double check. But she was fine. 
Later Gaga and Belle came to visit and I got to cuddle both my girls. :) She stayed for awhile but they went home again for the evening. Later that night however my mom called and told me Belle had been throwing up. She had come down with some stomach flu. I wanted so bad to be able to be home to be with her, but obviously couldn't. My first experience being a mom of two. Brad and I decided that in the morning Brad would buss back home to be with Belle so my mom could come and pick Moya and me up.
My daytime nurse, Denise, was awesome and helped me while Brad was gone. We watched some of the inauguration on TV together.
Gaga arrived around noon. I had to have her bring me a new outfit for Moya because the one I had originally brought to bring her home with was new born size which didn't fit this big ole baby! :) So we dressed her and got her in her car seat and headed home.
Moya's Birth Photos

My only sorta regret was that another induction would mean I'd never know what it felt like to go into labor on my own. Well apparently Moya heard my lamenting this. Saturday night we all went to bed and I did not sleep well. This isn't really unusual for me so I didn't think much of it even though I was getting up ever hour or two to go the bathroom and felt in pain everywhere. Then around 4:30am I got up and felt like I was having horrible diarrhea cramps. I did have the runs a little so at first I just thought that was the problem. I decided to just stay up and deal with it. I went to the bathroom a few times but the pain didn't go away even after the runs stopped. I decided I'd try timing them to see if there was a pattern. Every 3 or 4 minutes with the pain lasting about 30 to 40 seconds. It was about then that I realized that this wasn't a bad poop experience but labor!
I got dressed and ready between bouts of clutching the counter in utter pain. Around 5:30 I woke Brad and told him what was going on and that if he wanted to shower before we go he better do it now and do it fast. He jumped up and did just that after making sure I'd be ok.
At 5:45 I decided I should put a call in to my doctor, but right at that moment the nurse from the hospital called me to tell me they were ready for me to come in for a 7:30am induction! I told her that I was just about to call my doctor because I was in labor. She said for us to just come on in then!
My mom came up stairs while I was on the phone and I told her this was it! She and Brad ran around getting everything ready. I kept trying to get things together but my contractions kept getting in the way. Belle woke up from a dream around 6:30. Bless her heart she was in a good mood and excited when we told her the baby was coming. By 7am I was starting to feel desperate to get to the hospital. We got in the car and headed out. Luckily being so early and on a Sunday morning there was hardly anyone on the road. Gaga sped a little too :) so we got there a little before 7:30. 

My mom dropped Brad and I off at the entrance and then her and Belle went to park the car. Brad tried to find me a wheelchair but none could be found so I had to hoof it. It wasn't that far to the elevators but my contractions just were right on top of each other so it felt like I had to walk a mile. But we made it. We got to the 5th floor and found a nurse who took us to our room... we didn't even have to stop by triage. Our room was number 553. We then met the nurse who would be with us through the delivery. Her name was Jalina and she was just amazingly wonderful.
She got me into a gown and got my IV in... and by the way she was truly awesome at the IV! She numbed my arm and it hardly hurt at all! YAY! The doctor who was on call, Dr. Bohmke, came in to see how I was doing. We joked about how my "induction" was obviously going to be very easy. She asked if I wanted an epidural. I said I really had wanted to try not too but was having second thoughts. She said that on the plus side of not having one was that I would probably deliver very soon. But on the plus side of having one was that it may delay labor long enough to give the antibiotics time to get in my system to combat the strep-b. She by no means talked me into it, but I decided to have the epidural anyway. Maybe I wimped out but I just wanted to be calm and enjoy the experience and not freak out Belle because I was in so much pain. And since I was strep-b positive that gave me an out to get one and not feel too guilty about it. :)
So we had gotten to the room by 7:30, by 7:45 I had gotten my IV, had the antibiotics flowing, and had my epidural. Belle and my mom waited outside while I had the epidural. It went fine. The doctor who did it (Dr. Hanns) apparently is one of their bests. It didn't even pinch like it did last time. Dr. Bohmke checked my cervix and I was already at 8cm. She was convinced that there was a good chance she'd still end up delivering me even with the epidural. She said she wasn't going to check me very often because she didn't want to risk my water breaking. Again wanting to make sure to delay delivery for the antibiotics (apparently 4 hours is the magic number... they want the drugs going for 4 hours if possible to ensure that myself and baby would be okay). My water did break the last time she checked me when I was at 10cm. Johannsen was already at the office and coming down soon. Dr. Bohmke, said that Johannsen had called to see how I was doing and was shocked to hear that I was already pretty much fully complete!

Arround 9 something Johannsen came in and talked to us and joked that this was a really easy induction and how she figured she'd have more time before needing to be there.
Finally I started to feel the pressure to want to push. I had asked for a mirror to view the birth, they got that set up and set up the bed for the birth. Johannsen came in and Jaline called in another nurse to assist. Belle told my mom she wanted to leave so they went out into the hall. But then right before I started to push Belle changed her mind and told my mom emphatically that she wanted to be in the room. My mom told her that they couldn't be going in and out so she needed to be sure. Belle insisted she had to be in the room for the birth. So the came back in and went back into a corner of the room to watch. It was a nice spot for them, out of the way, near the door if they needed to get out quick, able to see but not be 'front and center'. Belle I heard asking me a few times if I was okay while I pushed and I assured her I was in between pushes. She stayed for the entire thing and even came and got a better look once. She was amazing and I was so glad to have her there.

Belle then got to hold her little sister which was super sweet to see. Being an only child it was very bizzar for me to see my daughter with her sister. Bizzar in a good and very touching way however.
I then got to order some food which was so welcome since I had not had breakfast and was starving. Jaline had brought me a cranberry-apple drink that was sooooo good after having nothing but ice chips.

Belle and Gaga stayed until the evening and then decided to head home for the night. This was hard for both me and Belle. I wanted her to stay but knew she'd not be at all comfortable there over night. She also wanted to stay but I could tell she was tired too. It was hard to say good night to her. But it was good she left because that night was in and out nurses in our room.
The next day, Monday, I was able to get my IV out and the catheter. It was nice to be tube free. We also got the professional photos taken of her which turned out nice.

We did get a scare while the photographers where there. After they were done I had let Moya rest on a pillow in my lap. She had been really unhappy with all the moving around for the photos so I was just giving her a second peace before I moved her again. What I didn't see was that her head was too far forward. She let out this terrible cry and I picked her up and we noticed she was blue! Brad went and grabbed two nurses who instantly picked Moya right out of my arms

My daytime nurse, Denise, was awesome and helped me while Brad was gone. We watched some of the inauguration on TV together.

The entire experience was just absolutely perfect. I loved every moment of it and am so happy to see my new baby girl here in my arms... although looking at her I still have no idea how she fit in my belly. I just love her to bits and can't wait to see her and her big sister grow and play together. 

Moya's Birth Photos
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Due Date
Well... here it is! January 17th 2009. Now where's my darn baby! :)
Actually at this point I'm hoping to not go into labor today. Tomorrow is my scheduled induction day and while I'd rather go into labor naturally, I DO want Johannsen to deliver Moya if at all possible. That would be just to great to have her be the one to deliver both my babies.
So today we're just taking it easy and relaxing. Go to bed at a good time and then wait to be called in the morning.
I spent some time last night just watching and feeling my belly move. At one point Moya was all on one side and my belly looked like a ski slope. I am looking forward to getting to hold her but I will of course miss feeling those movements... it is so amazing. It's been a fun ride all in all. I've really enjoyed it for the most part. I've enjoyed the belly photos and sharing this experience with Belle. There is something special about having your baby involved in the pregnancy of your next baby. I hope Moya looks back at all the belly pictures and thinks how sweet they are... and how big a nutcase her big sister is. :) And I hope Belle always remembers this time and it helps her bound with her little sister.
Actually at this point I'm hoping to not go into labor today. Tomorrow is my scheduled induction day and while I'd rather go into labor naturally, I DO want Johannsen to deliver Moya if at all possible. That would be just to great to have her be the one to deliver both my babies.
So today we're just taking it easy and relaxing. Go to bed at a good time and then wait to be called in the morning.
I spent some time last night just watching and feeling my belly move. At one point Moya was all on one side and my belly looked like a ski slope. I am looking forward to getting to hold her but I will of course miss feeling those movements... it is so amazing. It's been a fun ride all in all. I've really enjoyed it for the most part. I've enjoyed the belly photos and sharing this experience with Belle. There is something special about having your baby involved in the pregnancy of your next baby. I hope Moya looks back at all the belly pictures and thinks how sweet they are... and how big a nutcase her big sister is. :) And I hope Belle always remembers this time and it helps her bound with her little sister.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Doctor Appointment
We went in today at 9:20am. Saw Johannsen. She checked my cervix and I am still 4cm dilated but am now 90% effaced. So that's good, but still doesn't mean I'm immanent.
She is on call sunday so she filled out the paperwork for me to have a scheduled induction on then. She did warn us that there would still be a chance that we could get bummed again and sent home but that she was 90% sure she could work us in. The problem is that I'm actually having a very healthy pregnancy. :) So as she put it I am a borderline elective induction. Her reasons for wanting to induce are because my blood pressure is starting to creep up, not a lot but given my past history she's more mindful of it. And then there is the fact that this baby is bigger. I've made it clear to her that I do not want to risk having a c-section because the baby gets to big to pass through. I'm not scared of having a big baby but am not wanting to hear "Your baby is stuck in the birth canal so we need to do a c-section." that would tick me off.
I asked her how big she felt the baby was now and she is guessing between 9 and 9 and 1/2 pounds. If the ultrasound I had on the 29th was right and she was 8 pounds 7oz then and a baby gains about a 1/2 pounds a week then Moya could be almost 10.
So how it will work tomorrow is that between 7am and 10am they will call me and tell me they have a room open. We'll go in and go from there. If they don't call me by noon I am to call my doctor and see what's up.
How she is hoping the induction goes is that she can get me in there early enough and start and IV with the antibiotics, get those swirling around for an hour or two and then break my water and see if I go into labor on my own. If time is more of a concern then she'll start the antibiotics and pitocin around the same time and the break my water later. She just doesn't want to break my water until the antibiotics have had time to get in there. I'm strep-b positive so that's why it's more tricky I guess.
So that's the plan! Of course all could change if I go into labor on my own. But I doubt it... my babies seem to just like to slowly open the door and look around.
She is on call sunday so she filled out the paperwork for me to have a scheduled induction on then. She did warn us that there would still be a chance that we could get bummed again and sent home but that she was 90% sure she could work us in. The problem is that I'm actually having a very healthy pregnancy. :) So as she put it I am a borderline elective induction. Her reasons for wanting to induce are because my blood pressure is starting to creep up, not a lot but given my past history she's more mindful of it. And then there is the fact that this baby is bigger. I've made it clear to her that I do not want to risk having a c-section because the baby gets to big to pass through. I'm not scared of having a big baby but am not wanting to hear "Your baby is stuck in the birth canal so we need to do a c-section." that would tick me off.
I asked her how big she felt the baby was now and she is guessing between 9 and 9 and 1/2 pounds. If the ultrasound I had on the 29th was right and she was 8 pounds 7oz then and a baby gains about a 1/2 pounds a week then Moya could be almost 10.
So how it will work tomorrow is that between 7am and 10am they will call me and tell me they have a room open. We'll go in and go from there. If they don't call me by noon I am to call my doctor and see what's up.
How she is hoping the induction goes is that she can get me in there early enough and start and IV with the antibiotics, get those swirling around for an hour or two and then break my water and see if I go into labor on my own. If time is more of a concern then she'll start the antibiotics and pitocin around the same time and the break my water later. She just doesn't want to break my water until the antibiotics have had time to get in there. I'm strep-b positive so that's why it's more tricky I guess.
So that's the plan! Of course all could change if I go into labor on my own. But I doubt it... my babies seem to just like to slowly open the door and look around.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Weekly Update - 40 Weeks (give or take)
Well I know this update is early. I'm not technically 40 weeks until Saturday the 17th (my due date). But I am so close to it that I wanted to go ahead and have the update. Plus, going by the ultrasounds due date I'm at 40 weeks today, so I figure I can go ahead and say 40 weeks now.

How your baby's growing: It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (average for some but laughable for me) and is about 20 inches long. Her skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.
How I am feeling: Well after yesterday's events I actually, and ironically, feel a bit better about things. Knowing I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and knowing that my doctor won't let me go past Sunday gives me some relief. Just knowing that next week I'll have Moya in my arms instead of my belly takes a lot of mental pressure off. That said... last night sucked. I woke up at 1am in just horrible pain. I actually thought I was in labor! But I went to the bathroom, walked around and went back to lay down and obviously I wasn't in labor (well... hard labor anyway). So I didn't sleep good.

How your baby's growing: It's hard to say for sure how big your baby will be, but the average newborn weighs about 7 1/2 pounds (average for some but laughable for me) and is about 20 inches long. Her skull bones are not yet fused, which allows them to overlap a bit if it's a snug fit through the birth canal during labor. This so-called "molding" is the reason your baby's noggin may look a little conehead-ish after birth. Rest assured — it's normal and temporary.
How I am feeling: Well after yesterday's events I actually, and ironically, feel a bit better about things. Knowing I have a doctor appointment tomorrow and knowing that my doctor won't let me go past Sunday gives me some relief. Just knowing that next week I'll have Moya in my arms instead of my belly takes a lot of mental pressure off. That said... last night sucked. I woke up at 1am in just horrible pain. I actually thought I was in labor! But I went to the bathroom, walked around and went back to lay down and obviously I wasn't in labor (well... hard labor anyway). So I didn't sleep good.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Practice Run... aka getting my friggin hopes up for nothing!

So today was my doctor appointment. It was at 10:20am. We all go in and Johannsen sees I'm a good 4cm dilated. My blood pressure is a little high so she calls over to the doctor on call to see if they can just induce me today. He says sure so we head over to triage all excited.
Belle about flips out with excitement and tells everyone we pass on the way that we are having a baby today.
So we get there and Nurse Grumpy-Pants tells asks us if they told us it may not happen today because the delivery rooms are really full. We said no they just told us we may have to wait a few hours. Her entire demeanor was as if she was annoyed at us for coming in and making her work. I even said "Well they sent us here, not like we insisted to come."
At one point Belle was in there with me and the nurse came in and first thing Belle asks is "Are you a bad guy?" I have no idea what possessed her but can only assume she could pick up on the nurse's vibe instantly. :)
They get me hooked up to the monitors and then comes my favorite part... the IV. I tell Nurse Grump about how I hate these. It isn't a fear or ick factor it is a pain thing. She starts tooting her horn about how she's great at them and how I must have had a bad nurse do them before. She then proceeds to start one on my left arm and totally botches it. Hurt like hell! So is surprised that she had a problem with it and blames it on my vein in that arm. She then tries the right arm. It works but still hurt like hell. She says over and over how she's never had to stick a patient twice before... gee my luck.
They give me antibiotics for 20 minutes for the strep-b and then unhook me and let me go walk around and grab some lunch. We came back at about 2:45 and went back on the monitors for another hour or so. My blood pressure was up and down the entire time. Sometimes elevated... sometimes just fine. I definitely am contracting but as with Belle is seems like without medical induction my babies just want to slowly open the door and look around before trying to venture out.
Then the doctor finally shows up (first time I'd seen him). He checks my cervix and I'm still at 4cm. So he breaks the news that with the delivery rooms being so full and my being stable and not rapidly progressing on my own they are going to send me home. But he said I should make and appointment with Johannsen for friday to be checked again.
On the way out Nurse Grumpy-Pants wished us luck and all that. I swear she was the most chipper and nicer at that time then she had been all day!
I of course agree that anyone who is in full blown labor should take precedent but it was still VERY annoying. I mean we had gotten our hopes up completely! And I was annoyed at the doctor for giving my doctor the ok to send me over in the first place!
On the way home Belle said "Well look on the bright side mommy... maybe next time you'll get Johannsen instead!" :)
Belle about flips out with excitement and tells everyone we pass on the way that we are having a baby today.
So we get there and Nurse Grumpy-Pants tells asks us if they told us it may not happen today because the delivery rooms are really full. We said no they just told us we may have to wait a few hours. Her entire demeanor was as if she was annoyed at us for coming in and making her work. I even said "Well they sent us here, not like we insisted to come."
At one point Belle was in there with me and the nurse came in and first thing Belle asks is "Are you a bad guy?" I have no idea what possessed her but can only assume she could pick up on the nurse's vibe instantly. :)
They get me hooked up to the monitors and then comes my favorite part... the IV. I tell Nurse Grump about how I hate these. It isn't a fear or ick factor it is a pain thing. She starts tooting her horn about how she's great at them and how I must have had a bad nurse do them before. She then proceeds to start one on my left arm and totally botches it. Hurt like hell! So is surprised that she had a problem with it and blames it on my vein in that arm. She then tries the right arm. It works but still hurt like hell. She says over and over how she's never had to stick a patient twice before... gee my luck.
They give me antibiotics for 20 minutes for the strep-b and then unhook me and let me go walk around and grab some lunch. We came back at about 2:45 and went back on the monitors for another hour or so. My blood pressure was up and down the entire time. Sometimes elevated... sometimes just fine. I definitely am contracting but as with Belle is seems like without medical induction my babies just want to slowly open the door and look around before trying to venture out.
Then the doctor finally shows up (first time I'd seen him). He checks my cervix and I'm still at 4cm. So he breaks the news that with the delivery rooms being so full and my being stable and not rapidly progressing on my own they are going to send me home. But he said I should make and appointment with Johannsen for friday to be checked again.
On the way out Nurse Grumpy-Pants wished us luck and all that. I swear she was the most chipper and nicer at that time then she had been all day!
I of course agree that anyone who is in full blown labor should take precedent but it was still VERY annoying. I mean we had gotten our hopes up completely! And I was annoyed at the doctor for giving my doctor the ok to send me over in the first place!
On the way home Belle said "Well look on the bright side mommy... maybe next time you'll get Johannsen instead!" :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
4 Days to Go... give or take
I'm sooo ready to have this baby! Moya, I love you but GET OUT! :) :)

For the most part this has been an easy pregnancy but I'm big and uncomfortable and want to meet this little girl.

Belle at breakfast the other day said "I hope you have the baby soon." I was curious to her reasoning so I asked "Why's that?" She said "So you can stop drinking that yucky orange juice!" And here I was thinking she would say something about being empathetic to my discomfort. :) No she's just been wigged out by my one huge craving throughout this pregnancy... Orange Juice... massive massive amounts of it.
So tomorrow we have a doctors appointment at 10:20am. I have a lot of questions:
1. How big is this baby now does she think?
2. At what point do we talk induction?
1. How big is this baby now does she think?
2. At what point do we talk induction?
3. What safe methods could I try to induce myself (you know... all those old wives tails)?
4. Does she accept bribers for induction?
I'll report back as to how it goes. I'd love to think positively that I'll go into labor tonight but I'm now at that point where I just cannot see it happening.
Oh and one more thing I want to mention... the cats! I don't know what it is but they have been following me around like crazy lately. I mean they normally are very affectionate with me but this is over the top. They will rarely sit on me at the same time, they rather like to take turns. But now they will both sit on me any chance they get. If I get up and walk around they follow. If I leave and my mom is home they seem to fuss at her until I return. I'm sure they can tell I'm pregnant and due soon... wish they could give me some more insight. :)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Weekly Update - 39 Weeks

How your baby's growing: Your baby's waiting to greet the world! She continues to build a layer of fat to help control her body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of her skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
At each of your now-weekly visits, your caregiver will do an abdominal exam to check your baby's growth and position. She might also do an internal exam to see whether your cervix has started ripening: softening, effacing (thinning out), and dilating (opening). But even armed with this information, there's still no way for your caregiver to predict exactly when your baby is coming. If you go past your due date, your caregiver will schedule you for fetal testing (usually a sonogram) after 40 weeks to ensure that it's safe to continue the pregnancy. If you don't go into labor on your own, most practitioners will induce labor when you're between one and two weeks overdue — or sooner if there's an indication that the risk of waiting is greater than the risks of delivering your baby without further delay.
While you're waiting, it's important to continue to pay attention to your baby's movements and let your caregiver know right away if they seem to decrease. Your baby should remain active right up to delivery, and a noticeable slowdown in activity could be a sign of a problem. Also call if you think your water may have broken. Membranes rupture before the beginning of labor in about 8 percent of term pregnancies. Sometimes there's a big gush of fluid, but sometimes there's only a small gush or a slow leak. (Don't try to make the diagnosis yourself. Call even if you only suspect you have a leak.) If you rupture your membranes and don't start contractions on your own, you'll be induced.
How I am feeling: I am ready to meet this baby.
Friday, January 9, 2009
hmmm..... (warning may be too much info for some!)
So... I went to the bathroom about an hour ago to find I'm having a lot of brown discharge. Now, my doctor did check my cervix today which can cause you to bleed a little and have extra discharge. Last time she checked it I had some discharge with some pinkishness in it. But this is different! For one it is a lot more. Enough for me to have a pantie liner on. Secondly... it's brown!
I put a call into my doctor. I'm waiting for them to call me back and they are taking their sweet merry time about it!
While waiting I was talking on IM to Melissa and she said she had the same thing. That she had that around 6 or 7 in the evening and then her water broke at 9:30. So she's convince I'll have the baby tonight. Oh I hope she is right!!
So just for grins (and because I'm trying to keep myself from going nuts while waiting) here is who is up next in the baby birthday and weight poll:
Gaga: Jan 9th 9 pounds 5oz
Tracey: Jan 9th 9 pounds 4oz (21 inchs)
Mareena: Jan 10th 9 pounds 4 oz
Belle: Jan 11th 8 pounds 6oz
Melissa: Jan 11th 9 pounds 1 oz
Dana: Jan 11th 9 pounds
Keri: Jan 11th (8:03pm) 8 pounds 3oz
Update: Nurse just called back (3:50pm). She thinks it is due to the exam I got today. But did say that being so close to my due date to keep an eye on it and not to be affraid to call back even if in the middle of the night.
I put a call into my doctor. I'm waiting for them to call me back and they are taking their sweet merry time about it!
While waiting I was talking on IM to Melissa and she said she had the same thing. That she had that around 6 or 7 in the evening and then her water broke at 9:30. So she's convince I'll have the baby tonight. Oh I hope she is right!!
So just for grins (and because I'm trying to keep myself from going nuts while waiting) here is who is up next in the baby birthday and weight poll:
Gaga: Jan 9th 9 pounds 5oz
Tracey: Jan 9th 9 pounds 4oz (21 inchs)
Mareena: Jan 10th 9 pounds 4 oz
Belle: Jan 11th 8 pounds 6oz
Melissa: Jan 11th 9 pounds 1 oz
Dana: Jan 11th 9 pounds
Keri: Jan 11th (8:03pm) 8 pounds 3oz
Update: Nurse just called back (3:50pm). She thinks it is due to the exam I got today. But did say that being so close to my due date to keep an eye on it and not to be affraid to call back even if in the middle of the night.
Doctor Appointment
sigh... so I had a doctor appointment today. I really had thought I wouldn't make this appointment because I'd of had the baby by now. But no luck so we went in... all of us. We brought Belle and my mom with us in hopes that the doctor would just induce me or tell me "oh hey you're already in labor let's just go and give it a little push." Whatever... I just was hoping that this would be it.
So we go in and she checked my cervix. I'm at 4cm dilated. She then hooked me up to the fetal monitor and baby sounds great. But... no induction today. :( Just got to wait and see.
She said I have a bulging bag of amniotic fluid between the baby's head and the cervix, once that breaks it should all go pretty quickly.
In other news I tested positive for Strep B so that means I'll get antibiotics during labor. No big deal really.
I have another appointment set for next Wednesday at 10:20am. If I make that appointment I'm going to be in a REAL bad mood. :)
So we go in and she checked my cervix. I'm at 4cm dilated. She then hooked me up to the fetal monitor and baby sounds great. But... no induction today. :( Just got to wait and see.
She said I have a bulging bag of amniotic fluid between the baby's head and the cervix, once that breaks it should all go pretty quickly.
In other news I tested positive for Strep B so that means I'll get antibiotics during labor. No big deal really.
I have another appointment set for next Wednesday at 10:20am. If I make that appointment I'm going to be in a REAL bad mood. :)
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Nursery - Finished!
Otherwise it is done. And I'm happy with how it turned out. Now I just need a baby to put in it.
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