Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Wash me hand!?!?!"

I'm in the hallway and suddenly hear Moya saying "Wash me hand!?" in a very panicked and nervous way. If she were sitting at the table eating I would not be worried but she was just in her play area in the living room. Mommy instinct kicked in and I run in there. She is standing with her diaper slightly pushed down in back and a hand covered in something brown. ... yes ... poop. Her face was one of total terror. Luckily she was so freaked out by her descovering that she had not put her hand in her mouth, face, or anywhere else in the room. I yell "Oh god!" and run and grab her up and dash her into the bathroom to wash her up.

We pass daddy on the way who says "is that..." and I finish "... exactly what you think it is. He asks if I need anything and I send him to check the living room for any droppings.

So! Leason learned kid yells "Wash me hand?!" run and see why. :)

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