Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Book It!

When Moya wants you to read to her she will grab a book, plop into your lap and say "book it?"

That in itself is SO sweet! But the other night it got even better. She wanted me to book it so I sat her in my lap on the sofa and read her a book. Then she asks for "Hungry" which is her favorite book called "The Hungry Bunny", so on a whim I told her to go get it, that it was in her room. So she smiles and says "OK!" and hops down out of my lap and runs to her room and brings back a book... she couldn't find Hungry so she brought in a Monsters Inc book instead. She came right back and climbed back in my lap and we read it.

She did this routine of going to her room, getting a book, bringing it back, and we reading it 4 times in a row!! Not once getting side tracked to get into mischief. :) She did find her favorite book too and we read it together.

Just love it! We also have a night time ritual where when we go in her room to go to sleep she gets a book and then crawls on top of me and lays on my chest while I read her a story. Then we blow out the light together.

Memories I never want to forget.

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