Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy Playground Time

This was just one of those moments where you could just cry for joy. About a year or so ago we took the girls to the indoor playground at Bellevue Square mall. Moya was misserable. She wanted to play so badly but couldn't walk and was so annoyed at mommy following her around making sure she doesn't get trampled. She had a horrible time to be honest. :(

So today we took her and Belle back there and Moya was just beside herself with joy! I think her face must have hurt from smiling so hard! She was all over the place and just smiling like crazy! It was just so wonderful seeing her so happy, finally able to walk and climb and act like a normal 2 year old.

I just could have cried right there.

At one point she noticed she was the only one wearing shoes (her orthotics) and asked for them to be taken off by saying "Piggies free?" So I let her go bare foot for awhile which made her happy too.

The only thing that tore her away from the playground was getting hungry. :)

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