Saturday, July 30, 2011

Zoo Trip

Zoo trip! Poor Moya... So they had a dinosaur exhibit. Moya was TERRIFIED!!! Crying and horribly upset! So sad! Broke my heart. :( She chilled a little once we got to the end and even consented to sit on the non-moving one. She also was pretty willied by the penguins and the petting zoo. She would do ok if I was holding her. But we are totally in the scared phase.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lovely Hair

Both my girls have beautiful hair. It's amazing that they are both so lovely and so opposite.

Belle's is like spun gold. Straight and shiney and just soft as silk. It really is how I imagin angels hair being.
Moya's hair is this soft, warm, golden light brown. It shines and is so soft too. But the thing that just kills me is the curls! Don't get me wrong I LOVE Belle's straight hair. But Moya's just cracks me up because I don't know what it is like to have curly hair. So it is just a kick for me to see these crazy curls on my kid.

Anyway, the other day we are outside playing and Moya was having a fantastic hair day, even for her! It was like she was modeling for some hair product.... and boy I tell ya... if she was I'd buy whatever it was! I mean check out the pictures!!

Big Ouchy

Moya and I were playing in the pool outside after dinner on Sunday night. She likes to put rose pettals in the pool so she walked over to the climbing rose. I grabed her hand and reached up to get a flower for her. She stumbled and her hand was slippery from the water and she slipped out of my grasp and landed on the stalk of the rose bush right on all the thick sharp thorns!! :( She screachs and I pull her up and hold her. She is doing that cry where she doesn't make any noise but is just bawling buckets of tears! :( I hold her and rock her to calm her down. Gaga and Belle come running down and bring her a pacifier. Belle was the first to get to her and gave her kisses and hugs while I held her. I told her what happened and she told Gaga.

After Moya calmed down I knew I needed to look at her leg to see how bad it was. I was hoping it was just some mild scratches. But when I looked down at my lap I saw I was covered in blood!

So I just gather her up and we head to the bathroom. I rinse her off in the tub and clean her up. Daddy, who had been in the bathroom when it happened, came in now and heard what happened. After Moya was clean Gaga held her while I cleaned the wound. Belle and Daddy destracted her over Gaga's shoulder. I cleaned it and bandaged it up. It turned out not to be a deap cut but it was pretty nasty looking and very tender.

But bless my tough girl's little heart after that first cry she was just a trouper about it. I gave her tylenol that night and she did grab at it a few times saying "oow" but otherwise she's not paid it any mind. She does lean to the left however when sitting.

The picture I took of it was after 2 days of healing. So it looks way better then it did. I had to warn Alysa however when I brought her over Monday morning. I didn't want her going to change her diaper and freaking out. She was grateful for that after I showed it too her. She told me later that all Moya's friends there saw it and gave her lots of sympathy and hugs. :) I laughed that Moya should have charged people a quarter to see it!

Poor baby. I HATE when my kids get hurt! :(

... sooooo putting something around that rose bush!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Moya met Zac, Tanya's baby boy. She seemed to really like him.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Happy Playground Time

This was just one of those moments where you could just cry for joy. About a year or so ago we took the girls to the indoor playground at Bellevue Square mall. Moya was misserable. She wanted to play so badly but couldn't walk and was so annoyed at mommy following her around making sure she doesn't get trampled. She had a horrible time to be honest. :(

So today we took her and Belle back there and Moya was just beside herself with joy! I think her face must have hurt from smiling so hard! She was all over the place and just smiling like crazy! It was just so wonderful seeing her so happy, finally able to walk and climb and act like a normal 2 year old.

I just could have cried right there.

At one point she noticed she was the only one wearing shoes (her orthotics) and asked for them to be taken off by saying "Piggies free?" So I let her go bare foot for awhile which made her happy too.

The only thing that tore her away from the playground was getting hungry. :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Wash me hand!?!?!"

I'm in the hallway and suddenly hear Moya saying "Wash me hand!?" in a very panicked and nervous way. If she were sitting at the table eating I would not be worried but she was just in her play area in the living room. Mommy instinct kicked in and I run in there. She is standing with her diaper slightly pushed down in back and a hand covered in something brown. ... yes ... poop. Her face was one of total terror. Luckily she was so freaked out by her descovering that she had not put her hand in her mouth, face, or anywhere else in the room. I yell "Oh god!" and run and grab her up and dash her into the bathroom to wash her up.

We pass daddy on the way who says "is that..." and I finish "... exactly what you think it is. He asks if I need anything and I send him to check the living room for any droppings.

So! Leason learned kid yells "Wash me hand?!" run and see why. :)

Book It!

When Moya wants you to read to her she will grab a book, plop into your lap and say "book it?"

That in itself is SO sweet! But the other night it got even better. She wanted me to book it so I sat her in my lap on the sofa and read her a book. Then she asks for "Hungry" which is her favorite book called "The Hungry Bunny", so on a whim I told her to go get it, that it was in her room. So she smiles and says "OK!" and hops down out of my lap and runs to her room and brings back a book... she couldn't find Hungry so she brought in a Monsters Inc book instead. She came right back and climbed back in my lap and we read it.

She did this routine of going to her room, getting a book, bringing it back, and we reading it 4 times in a row!! Not once getting side tracked to get into mischief. :) She did find her favorite book too and we read it together.

Just love it! We also have a night time ritual where when we go in her room to go to sleep she gets a book and then crawls on top of me and lays on my chest while I read her a story. Then we blow out the light together.

Memories I never want to forget.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Parade day. Moya didn't care much for the parade itself but she enjoyed the sprinklers a ton afterwards.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Poor Moya! We went outside last night to do a few fireworks. We just had a few chickens and sparklers but the chickens went off and she starts to cry and say "No! No!" Then the neighbors shot off some big ones that were really loud and she just busts up crying! :( Daddy took her inside.

Not much later I tried to take her to bed as it was late and she was SO sleepy. I turned on her fans in her room, the music, and even the lullaby Sheep that plays nature sounds. All in the hopes of drowning out the fireworks outside but it was no use. She would just be almost asleep and there would be a pop outside and she'd start crying and saying "no no no no!" :( Finally I just took her out to Daddy who she kept calling for. I got Belle to bed and then came back for her. She was SOOOO insanely sleepy she finally passed out but was so restless until the fireworks finally stopped around 2:30am.

Poor thing... I've never seen her scared before! She's usually pretty much a roll with the punches kinda kid. But she was terrified. :( :( Sure am glad we didn't drive somewhere to see some big show! She would have freaked out and us not be able to get her away from them quick enough.

Hopefully next year she'll do better.