We have this big fold out gate in the living room that we use to fence off an area for Moya so she can play happily on the floor. And for the most part she is happy to root in her toys and play and roll around and eat crumbs of discarded cookies she's tossed around off the floor. But her ultimate goal is to wait until we leave the gate open a crack and then she makes a break for it! She will do her army crawl just as fast as she can to get out and then head down the hall or into the dinning room. And she is lightning fast too!
She also doesn't need much room to wiggle past the gate. The other day my left the gated area to get something out of the kitchen. In the time it took my mom to walk from the living room to the kitchen (which is like 10 feet) Moya had zoomed over to the gate, worked it the rest of the way open and was in the dinning room splashing her hand in the cat's water dish!! I mean she did all that in probably 10 seconds! I've seen her do it too. Just today I was trying to fix something on the gate and she was over on the opposite side of it and just my touching the gate she thought I was going to open it and within 2 seconds she was right there trying to escape. It's freaky how fast she is. And it's probably one of the reasons why she's not walking... why walk when you can telaport!?
Belle is also very helpful in keeping guard of Moya. If she manages to get past the gate when we are in the kitchen or something Belle will tackle Moya while yelling "She's ESCAPING!!!" :)
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