Moya is now standing and kinda cruising around. This she has found makes for a new fun way to root in her toy bins. So cute seeing her little butt in the air as she digs and flings toys!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Standing... a new way to root!
Moya is now standing and kinda cruising around. This she has found makes for a new fun way to root in her toy bins. So cute seeing her little butt in the air as she digs and flings toys!
I Got It!!
She finally did it today! I look over and she is just paused with it in hand looking at me, literally waiting for me to see her. Once she catches my eye she waves it in the air and giggled manically. :) Amazingly I grabbed my camera and got a picture of it. :) Little stinker!
Purring Is Funny
Friday, May 28, 2010
First 20 Words!
2. Mama (although she rarely will say it!) :)
3. Gaga
4. Uh-oh
5. Bubbles
6. Eat
7. No
8. Meow (Moow)
9. That (Dat)
10. Hi
11. Hello (Herow)
12. Thank you (dank oooh)
13. Hi Baby (Ha Beh Beh)
14. Big Bird (Be Bur)
15. Night Night (nigh nigh)
16. Wow!
17. Bubblebee (bu bu beeh)
18. Belle
19. Bye bye
20. One (wuh)
Moya started saying "night night" mostly from her Tad toy that's on her changing table. She likes it's night-night music and it says after you push the button "One minute till night night." So she will push it and then say "nigh nigh." Now she says it when we go to bed or also just when leaving the room. :) She gets that it's a 'goodbye' word just hasn't exactly gotten it that it is only really for nighttime.
"Wow" I'm not sure where she got but she says it all the time and at the right times! The other day Gaga replaced dying batteries in the glowing Pooh bear toy and handed it to Moya and showed it was working better and Moya said "WOW! Dank ooo" (thank you). :)
Bumblebee she says only when we do the Bumblebee song "If I were a bumblebee I'd bor a hole in this pine tree!"... or as I sing it "... this belly!" and tickle her belly. Well the other day she was doing the motions we do with the song and saying "bummbu bee" I got it and did the song. She giggled and kept saying bumblebee.
She also says Belle's name now. It sounds kinda like "Bawle" but we know she means Belle. A few weeks ago she woke up and I went to get her. I brought her into the living room and the moment she saw Belle she pointed at her and said her name! She says it fairly often now.
Bye bye she just up and started saying. :)
One is the newest word. She loves to put toys in buckets or some container and then dump them out. Well in the bath when she puts the toys in the bucket I count to her as she does. So the other day she put a toy in and said clearly "Wuun!" Alysa said she also does that at her house when they practice counting. :)
It seems like there are more words she is saying but those are the ones I can think of right now.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Morning Root
This particular morning she had gotten to them before I had time to get in there after hearing her awake over the monitor. She's quick!
Watching Belle's Aikido Class
She LOVES Elmo. She'll be watching Sesame Street but usually is playing and doing other things while it is on. But the minute she hears that Elmo's World music come on she snaps to the screen and squeals with laughter and delight. Sometimes she'll even say "Wow!" and then she will start to sing along with the intro song.
She also really likes Mr. Noodle. When he comes on she smiles and waves and him and blows him kisses. Either she likes him or feels really sorry for him and is trying to make him feel better for always getting things wrong. :)
It is so cute to watch.
I found an old Dancing Elmo toy of Belle's. She never was really into it much so it was still in almost brand new quality. Moya loves it and he is now been blessed with mouth fulls of crackers she has tried to force feed him. :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
The Great Race

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sleep Struggles
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Magic Trick

So the other night in the bath I did a silly magic trick I showed a toy and then tried to do a little slight of hand and tossed the toy behind my back. I figured, she's a baby she'll be impressed. :) HA! Fat chance! She took a toy and did the magic trick right back at me! Complete with throwing it behind her and doing the tada/where'd it go hand jesters! I just busted up laughing.
We got her to sorta do it again tonight for the camera. She was very tired as it was almost bed time so it wasn't her most energetic magic show. :) But she did it! And it is as cute as can be!! The best part of the video in my opinion however is the very end. Daddy asks her to blow Mommy a kiss and instead she just lunges for me and crawled up into my arms and gave me a kiss and a hug. Melt my heart!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Bath Phobia
The first few times after the vomit episode I had to REALLY work at it to keep her entertained in the bath and our baths were very short. After a week or so it got to the point that once I got her in and got her laughing she would be fine as long as I kept her engaged. Then after another week or so she would only cry while I got her in but then was fine. But now... YAY!! No tears at all!! We are back to liking our bath and the phobia is over. Now it is smiles and "uh-oh" and all good. sigh.... so relieved. And next time she vomits I'm going to keep this in mind. Even if it means sitting with a smelly baby I'm going to wait until she's calm before bathing her.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Moya likes Morrissey and Ah-ha's Morten Harket. When I am getting Belle to bed at night she and daddy listen to music via the Xbox. It shows still pictures of the bands while playing their music. She will boogie the most to Morrissey and Ah-ha and lights up when she sees them... Morten she particularly seems to like. :)