Monday, December 29, 2008

Ultrasound and Doctor Appointment

FINALLY I got to the doctor after a week of being snowed in and missing appointments.

The ultrasound was first at 8: 30am. It went just fine. They said the baby is currently 8 pounds 7 ounces (approximately). She is head down (yay!) and is still a girl. :) We didn't get any new ultrasound pictures because as the technician said "she's big and she's right up against the glass in there." Meaning she's just to cramped to get a good picture of. No problem, we'll see her in color very soon.

We then went over to my doctor's office. My appointment wasn't until 2:20 but they said for me to come by right after the ultrasound and they'd try and work me in. Luckily they could so I was seen pretty quickly. My doctor did the Strep B test and an exam to check my cervix. She also looked over my ultrasound results.

My uterus is measuring 38cm which is only now a little bigger then it should be for this week. But I am 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced. She doesn't think I will make it to my due date but didn't think I would go this week either. As for her opinion on baby's size? She just said she feels certain this one will be bigger then Belle.

So all is well with Moya, and we're now officially at the "any time now" phase. ... here we go!

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