Saturday, December 27, 2008

Nursery Phase 3

Well the plus side of being snowed in is that I've been able to get a lot done on Moya's room. Today I finished the tree and the dragon. Tomorrow I'm going to do the leaves and the stars and that should be the end of this side of the room. The other side I'm not sure how much I'm going to do yet.
Oh and the dark blue I was going to do behind the tree... yeah that didn't work out. The spray paint I got for it I tried and it looked horrible so I just painted over it. I actually think this will look good. In the day it'll look like a dragon in the tree in daytime and then at night the stars will glow (I have glow in the dark paint) and it'll look like night.

Belle also did her dragon for the room too. I let her paint a small area for Moya. She said this is the dragon in the tree's mommy looking up at her baby in the tree saying "what are you doing up there." She also made a dragon light switch cover which is the dragon's dad apparently, which you can kinda see here. Both very cool and very sweet. :)

1 comment:

Brianne said...

Jerusha- You are soooo talented! this looks amazing!