Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Doctor Appointment

Went to the doctor this morning. Everything is going good. Blood pressure was great which was nice to hear. It was about at this point with Belle that my blood pressure started to go up. I was at 35 weeks with Belle when put on bed rest. I'm at 34 weeks right now. I am not counting myself out of the woods yet for it happening again but so far it is looking hopeful that I'll get to skip that crud.

Uterus is measuring 37 cm. Rule of thumb is that your fundal height should roughly equal the number of weeks you are. So I'm at 34 weeks which means I should be measuring 34 cm give or take a cm or two. So to be at 37 cm at 34 weeks is a tad on the big side. My doctor wants me to have another ultrasound to see how big this baby is. She asked "So how big was Belle again?" I told her 8 pounds 6 ounces. She said "Oh yeah well this one will be bigger then that." :) So... should we start the due date and weight poll now? :)

I go in on the 23rd for the ultrasound and next doctor appointment. I'll be a little over 36 weeks at that point. I'm glad to get another ultrasound. I know it isn't long now till we'll get to see her in person but I just love getting to peak at her in the womb.

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