Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Two Months Old

Moya is now two months old. She's doing great. Way more alert, smiles so much, and sleeping better and better. She's given up her 3am feeding. She now sleeps from midnight to about 6:30 or 7am. She then normally eats and goes back to sleep for another hour or so.

Now napping during the day is a little unpredictable still. She will dose most days but she's still not really gotten into a napping schedule yet. Some days she'll sleep and sleep all day long, other days she'll only sleep if being held, and then other days she won't sleep at all. But we'll get there, and frankly it's the night time sleeping I'm more happy to have some schedule about. :)

Moya's favorite things are her dangling toys from her play mat and the ceiling fan in the living room. It's so funny, she could spend hours just staring up at the ceiling fan and smiling and laughing at it. Her other favorite thing is sleeping on Daddy. She will be wiggling and wrestles on me and then just put her in Daddy's lap and she's out. Brad calls himself "Moya's favorite chair."
She's also getting better at tolerating her baths. I wouldn't say she likes them but she's not shrieking in horror as much. She actually seems to like soaking in the water, it is just the being messed with to actually wash that ticks her off. Maybe it is because I had to spend a week washing her hair every day. She had a bad case of cradle cap so we got her some anti-dander shampoo and washed her hair every day for a week. It pretty much did the trick. I use it still when I give her a bath about every other day. Yup... only 2 months old and already has her own hair care products. :)

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