Friday, March 27, 2009

Bath Time

Moya has gotten better about her baths. If she's in a good mood she'll tolerate them pretty well now. I'd not say she likes them but she does seem to like soaking in the water, it is just the actual washing she doesn't like.

So tonight she got a bath because she was a spew monkey. While I was bathing her the cats keep watch. They seem to think I'm torturing her or something in there.... well I guess to them a bath IS torture.

Koo Si will stay out in the hall and watch from a safe sport. She will only come in if Moya is really crying hard. Isis on the other hand insisted on a closer look, jumping up on the edge of the tub to investigate the little human in the water.

Baths always tucker Moya out... and the funny hats she just hates, but it keeps her head warm while all that hair dries.

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