She's doing just great. She has some dry skin so doc told us to use some thicker lotion (non good smelling baby kind) on her.
We also talked about her episode the previous week where she stopped breathing and turned pale for a few seconds. She said that Moya is perfectly healthy, no heart or lung worries, is growing well, so there is nothing to make her think there is anything bad going on. In her opinion she thinks it may have been reflux. That some babies will get some spit up kicked back into their throats and once in awhile they won't be able to protect their wind pipe and they'll do this. But always they are able to correct it shortly and start breathing again. So it isn't dangerous... just really really scary on the parents.
She prescribed some baby Zantac for her to help her with the reflux. If however she does another episode like she did then she does want us to go to Children's Hospital and get some tests run just to be on the safe side.
Other then that all was well. Moya got 3 vaccinations today. One oral and 2 shots. Belle was with us and decided she just couldn't take seeing Moya get another shot so she waited at the nurses station while that part went on. Moya cried but she was a trooper and recover quickly.
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