Monday, March 23, 2009

Scary Episode

So last night I'm sitting on the sofa with Moya. It was late and she was starting to go to sleep. I suddenly hear her making this little clicking noise with her tongue. I look down and she's kinda out of it but not asleep (or I don't think she is), and she's clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. She looks odd and then I see that her lips are turning gray. Brad noticed my attention to her and he asks if she's okay. I said I actually wasn't sure. He came over and we then saw she was getting pale. I couldn't tell if she was breathing. I was on the verge of telling him to call 911. We picked her up and moved her around. She's still kinda wonky. We take her into the bathroom for better lighting and the moving her around her color started to come back. But she wasn't crying. I changed her clothing quickly and she started to grunt at me. We knew then that she was okay.

The entire event was no more then 30 seconds, with only about 10 to 15 of it being where I didn't think she was breathing. The rest of the night she seemed perfectly fine.

I put a call into the doctor the next morning and the nurse called by back right away and told me we should have Moya checked out just to be safe. We saw Doctor Scott (not her normal doctor but one I like and trust). She gave Moya a good exam and then called over to Children's Hospital in Seattle to talk to one of their neurologists. The concern was that it could have been a seizure. But thankfully Doctor Scott and the neurologist both felt that was unlikely. So she said to not worry at this point. That sometimes kids do these sorts of things when they are babies and it means nothing. BUT, she also said that if it happens again we should go down to Children's and have Moya checked out by them just to be safe.

I'm not really that concerned but I have to say that it was one of the scariest few seconds of my life thus far. I slept with one eye open and a hand on Moya's chest all that night.

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