Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doctor Appointment

I had a doctor appointment today. Dr. Johannsen was out this week so I saw a Dr. Callahan. She was nice. Everything is still going smoothly. The baby's heartbeat sounded good and the uterus is still measuring 30 cm which is fine too. The baby has moved since last week's ultrasound. She's now head down but not settled into the pelvic bone which is good at this point. She said we don't worry about the baby's position until 36 weeks.

I asked her about my blood pressure and when it started to go up with Belle. She looked back in my chart and found it was around 34/35 weeks when my blood pressure went up. That's good to know. Right now my blood pressure is doing just great. Hope it will keep up. She said that there is no real definite reason for why preeclapsia sometimes happens. They think it has to do with the placenta and well ya get a new one every pregnancy. :) So hopefully if that is the cause of it this placenta is nicer then the last.

She also confirmed that the glucose test they did last time came back negative so that's great.

I go back to the doctor on the 11th.

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