Friday, October 17, 2008

Doctor Appointment

I had a doctor appointment today. Routine for the most part. But I had to do my glucose test this time which made me qweezy. The drink tasted okay (fruit punch flavor) but it was soooo sugary and I had to drink it all within 5 minutes so it just sat there like a rock in my stomach. Gross.

I also got a flu shot and my rhogram shot. One in the arm and one in the butt. When I told Belle later about it she found it hilarious that I got one in the butt. :)

Everything seems to be fine except that Doc said I'm bigger then the normal for 26 weeks. The uterus measured 30 cm. So she wants to do an ultrasound to make sure all is good and to see just how big this baby is gonna be. We did this with Belle too, only just later on in the pregnancy. When she first told me how big I was I thought she said 37 cm. She laughed and said "no, 30... it you were 37 cm you'd be getting an ultrasound today instead of next week."

So we're getting another ultrasound on Thursday! Yay! I love getting to see my baby.

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