Sunday, December 1, 2013

Nemo Mural... (that never ends!)

Moya loves the movie Nemo... not as much as Cars but it's close! :) Well she said she wanted Nemo on her wall in her room. I told her we could do that! So began what would become a never ending mural project. :) It started out I thought Gaga and I would paint the coral reef and the main characters; Nemo, Marlin, Dory, couple of Nemo's school buddies, maybe the turtles. Oh and the jellyfish... Moya was clear she wanted the Jellies. :)

So we got it going, although not fast enough for Miss. Mo. I did the base of the reef and the Jellies first which she loved! She then asked to paint some herself and did her version of Crush and Squirt. She was so proud of it... so was I.

Next I painted Nemo and Dory and Marlin. Gaga painted Sheldon, Tad, and Pink (Perl...  but Moya calls her Pink). This is where things got more involved. Moya then asked for Mr. Ray. Okay no problem. Then it was all the fish in Nemo's school class. Oookay. then of course I needed to do Crush and Squirt. Done and done. Then it was "Oh Crush needs his friends!" More turtles. Oh and then the sharks. :) It became sort of expected that every day she would go over to Auntie's she would come home and ask "What did you paint today?"

Once I started school she seemed to understand we couldn't paint every day. Plus we had painted most everyone!! Although it was interesting she did not want us to paint the Tank Gang. She loves them but they aren't in the ocean they were in the tank so she didn't want them painted with the others. I even asked her several times if she wanted them. But nope!

The last thing I painted (so far) was Mikey from Monster's Inc. in a flippers and a snorkel as seen in the end credits. She didn't ask for him but I thought it'd be a nice touch and she liked it. :)

I'm just glad she didn't want Cars! Her wall isn't that big! Plus I'm horrible at drawing cars. :) Anyway... it turned out nice and she loves it. She talks to her fish most nights.

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