Sunday, December 8, 2013

Stolen Toy

This is more about Hissy-Wiskers then Moya but I have got to record it so since it is about one of Moya's toys I'll put it here. :)

Moya has a little plush toy of the character Pink the starfish from Finding Nemo. She likes it but it's not really a favorite toy of her's. But not long after we brought home the two new cats, Hissy and Grimsby we found out that it IS someone's favorite toy! Hissy... LOVES this thing! She actually has stolen a few of Moya's small stuffed toys before but this one is her favorite. We started by finding it in weird places, like under the dinning room table. Then I saw her with it. Hilarious seeing this little kitten with a toy over half her size in her mouth running through the house with it. Now she is bigger and able to tote it along easier. I keep trying to get a picture but the moment she sees me she drops it. Will keep trying. :)

We had been at first taking it away from her but now it's like, why even try. :) Moya doesn't seem to mind and Hissy is just so happy with it. :)

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