Saturday, November 30, 2013

First Movie

Took Moya to her very first trip to the theater today. Okay we took her once as an infant but that doesn't count. :) She saw a trailer for the movie Frozen and asked to see it and we figured why not! So we all went! She was so cute. Insisted she had to buy popcorn and ate the entire thing! Sitting in her seat holding her bag of popcorn. They had a cartoon before the movie and Moya says "This isn't Frozen!" :)

She was really excellently behaved all things considered. She asked to go potty twice which I think was just because she was a little tired of sitting for so long. But she was really pretty quiet and well behaved. She said she had fun. Glad it was a good experience.

And the movie was cute. Belle enjoyed it too. They both liked the snowman, Olaf a lot. :) I liked the Reindeer.

So now we can all go to kids' movies!

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