Sunday, April 11, 2010

Stupy Tired Equals Crazy Cute!

I came back in the living room from getting Belle to sleep and Moya was playing in her pin. Daddy went down to finish some work so I thought I'd play with her for a moment before getting her to bed. I knew she was tired but she seemed to be playing and having such fun I decided not to rush her yet. Some how we got onto the stacking tower toy. It's a tower of stars that when you put them on they make a little musical noise. Then the topper plays a song. Moya has seen this toy a million times and never given it much attention other then to insist the stars are OFF the tower... for some reason it has always bothered her to have them on. :) Anyway but tonight apparently in our tired stupor it was just AMAZING! She would put them on and clap and laugh. Then when it played the song she just went crazy about it!! We ended up playing this game for over half an hour. She I think would have been thrilled to keep playing it all night, or until she passed out. I finally had to pick her up and cuddle her to get her to admit she was sleepy.

I hated to end it, it was such fun. :)

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