Tuesday, April 27, 2010

15 Month Check Up

Loooong visit! They were upgrading their computer system which means it took forever for them to log in her vaccinations. Ugh... took forever!

BUT anyway down to the info. She is doing great. The only two things we talked about as a "keep an eye on" sorta way was her head size and the fact she isn't walking yet. The walking the doctor wasn't worried about really. She said her kids didn't walk till after 20 months. And Belle didn't walk until 16 months. She asked if Moya was pretty laid back and she is... she likes to just rummage in her toys. Doc said that kids who are happy where they are tend to walk later because they just don't mind not getting around. And Moya does her army crawl so well she is probably just content moving how she does. She also asked about how Moya is socially and verbally. Moya is above average just like Belle in her vocabulary. And she is just the most social baby I've ever seen! Take her to the store or anywhere and she waves and smiles to everyone like she is running for office! So doc said that she thinks she is just focused on that and not so much the getting around.

But the doctor did give me a number of a place that helps with developmental stuff. She said to give them a call cause it takes 2 or more months to get an appointment. If in 2 months Moya is walking, or close to then cancel... if not then hey we have the appointment. I'm gonna give Moya another month however before I call. She stands and can take a step while holding hands so I'm not worried.

The head thing I must admit is a nag in the back of my mind even though the doctor didn't seem really concerned. Moya has a big ole head apparently and if it keeps growing then the concern is that there is fluid or something building up in there. The doctor said that seeing as how Belle, and Brad are uh... not exactly pin heads :) that chances are everything is normal. They will see what it measures out to be when she goes for her 18 month check up. But as a mom all I keep hearing in my head is "fluid building up..." and so I worry a little.

In other news she is 22 + pounds and 31 inches long. She got two shots which made her mad but she recovered quickly. I think the highlight for her were the blinds on the windows however... oh my lordy she wouldn't leave them alone! :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Buisness Trip

I had my first business trip in a very long time. In fact I don't think I'd gone on one since Belle was itty bitty. It was only over night. I left on Thursday afternoon and came back late Friday. I had gone out to Dreamworks to meet with them. Very cool and fun trip! But I missed my girls so much! I know I know... just one day. But seriously... I'm use to sleeping to the sounds of their breathing and cuddling them when they need me.

The gal I met with at Dreamworks was so awesome and gave me this big bag of free stuff for the girls! Most of it was more geared towards Belle but I kicked back a little Shrek lovey and a pez dispenser (minus the pez) for Moya.

It was so wonderful seeing them again. Moya was asleep when I got home since she is too little to understand "hey stay up Mommy is coming!" :) But Belle knew and just could not go to sleep knowing I'd be home soon. I gave Belle lots of love and went in and kissed Momo too. Missed them. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Moya calls Dandelions "bubbles." She will try and blow them to make them fly but she also likes to try and eat them... soooo we gotta watch her with them. :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I came across this picture of Belle roughly the same age as Moya and making a similar expression... aren't they just the cutest things!!

Baby in the Mirror

Moya loves to look at herself.... can't say I blame her! :) She will point towards where the hand mirror is in the bathroom and I have to hand it to her so she can see her soapy hair in the tub. She will smile and touch her hair. She will then kiss the baby in the mirror and say "Hi Baby".


Today was awesome. We went to breakfast at the buffet at the Marriott... Belle's idea she loves it even though she hardly eats anything. Moya however LOVED the food! We had taken her there before but she was too little to enjoy the solid food. But this time she was all over it! Her little eyes lit up at the first bite of the eggs there. She just yummed everything up.

By the time we go home after running a few other places, Moya was hungry for lunch and tired. She ate and then passed out. I took the opportunity to mow the backyard and Belle played. After Moya woke up I took her out with us. She LOVES her backyard and swing. We played and had a good time her, me, Belle, and Gaga. Poor Daddy had to work.

But the cutest thing was Moya in her little outfit and hat. That hat barely fit but I loved how her hair flipped up around it. So cute.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Kisses with Belle

This is so cute... Moya was giving kisses and offered Belle one. So I got the camera and had her do it again. :) Moya is such a lovey, it's sweet. And Belle is such a great big sister... doesn't seem to mind the baby spit kisses.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tooth Number 14!

This one is taking it's sweet time, but it has finally broken through the gum line. Now she has a matching set on top and bottom!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Words

Moya now says "Hi Baby"... pronounced "Ha BehBeh" and "Big Bird"... pronounced "Be Bur."

So adding to her list for her first 100 Words:

1. Dada
2. Mama (although she rarely will say it!) :)
3. Gaga
4. Uh-oh
5. Bubbles
6. Eat
7. No
8. Meow (Moow)
9. That (Dat)
10. Hi
11. Hello (Herow)
12. Thank you (dank oooh)
13. Hi Baby (Ha Beh Beh)
14. Big Bird (Be Bur)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Shoot Ya

This is awesome! Daddy taught Moya a new trick. He makes a "Cquu" kind gun noise with a pointed finger at Moya and she will fall over. She will then do it back to him and "shoot" him. :) It's friggin hilarious and she finds it totally funny.

Lunch Outside

We had lunch outside at the playground table today. Moya kicked back and relaxed while smushing food in her toes. The good thing about feeding her outside is that it doesn't matter how messy she gets, or how much food she flings!

Stupy Tired Equals Crazy Cute!

I came back in the living room from getting Belle to sleep and Moya was playing in her pin. Daddy went down to finish some work so I thought I'd play with her for a moment before getting her to bed. I knew she was tired but she seemed to be playing and having such fun I decided not to rush her yet. Some how we got onto the stacking tower toy. It's a tower of stars that when you put them on they make a little musical noise. Then the topper plays a song. Moya has seen this toy a million times and never given it much attention other then to insist the stars are OFF the tower... for some reason it has always bothered her to have them on. :) Anyway but tonight apparently in our tired stupor it was just AMAZING! She would put them on and clap and laugh. Then when it played the song she just went crazy about it!! We ended up playing this game for over half an hour. She I think would have been thrilled to keep playing it all night, or until she passed out. I finally had to pick her up and cuddle her to get her to admit she was sleepy.

I hated to end it, it was such fun. :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Silly Hat

Still recovering from being ill, she felt well enough to be silly. :) She likes this hat... doesn't want to wear it long but she knows it is silly and always does a funny face when I put it on her.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Moya got the stomach bug too! :( Thursday night I was supposed to be in LA but had cancelled my trip due to Belle's being sick... good thing I did cancel it! Moya had woken up, I sat down with her in her room to get her back to sleep. She was dozing and then sat up in my lap coughing and then... bam! I'm covered in vomit! I yell for Brad. He came running and helped us to the bathroom. She threw up from 8:30 till 1am. SOO pitiful!

But... by the next afternoon she was much improved! Never got the fever or diarrhea. By Saturday her appetite started to come back. Unfortunately by end of the day Sunday she was starting to develop a snotty nose but I'll take snot over vomit any day!

I hate it when my kids are sick! But it is extra hard when you can't even explain to them why they are feeling like this, why you can't just make it stop, and tell them that they WILL get better. :( I just feel so desperate for them when they are little and sick.


Moya likes puppets. She likes them on TV, and she likes them when you hold them and have them talk. But the cutest thing is that she tries to work them too! She will put Elmo or Ernie on her arm and hold them up and say "Hi" in kinda a high pitched voice! Seriously amazing.

I tried to get it on video but just missed it. You can kinda get the idea. She was doing a puppet show for herself in her mirror. Could have a little puppeteer on our hands here! :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Moya loves food! So it makes sense that she not only learn how to say "eat" in sign language but also verbaly. It's insanely cute too!


This isn't the best example of how she says "no" but it is close and super cute. When Moya doesn't want something she will say "No." But in a kinda gruff, growly voice, followed by a vigorous head shake. The only other way she says "no" is a high pitched bouncy "no no no no no no no" when you catch her doing something she knows she shouldn't (like book eating!). :)


As if these photos aren't cute enough, I finally got on video Moya saying "Meow"... I LOVE how she does her mouth in the 'ow' part. It's so sweet.

Easter 2010

This was the first year she could really have any chocolate... which she loved. :) Couldn't help with the egg hunt but she enjoyed the toys and goodies!

Snack Time

Moya and I sharing fishy crackers. :) I can't wait until this girl is big enough to help in the kitchen.... we gonna have some fun! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ready to Party

Moya ready to party at her sister's birthday party. :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Words

So far Moya can say the following words:

1. Dada
2. Mama (although she rarely will say it!) :)
3. Gaga
4. Uh-oh
5. Bubbles
6. Eat
7. No
8. Meow (Moow)
9. That (Dat)
10. Hi
11. Hello (Herow)
12. Thank you (dank oooh)

She understands about 100 times that. So watch what you say! :)

Nighttime Sundae

Moya and I have a special time on the nights she's up and fussy. There are these little sundae I get from "Smart Ones" they are low fat and all but very good. Chocolate Chip is my favorite. Anyway one night I was having one and she of course wanted some. So I gave her a bite and she loved it. We each take a bite and go "mmmmm" together all smiling. It's so sweet. I love it.

Well the other night I decided to let her have the dish (I usually don't let her) and this messy face was the results. :)

Anyway it is so sweet. It's our special little thing.

Miss Piggy

My little piggy piggy. She eats all the time it seems. Today she just wouldn't stop eating and even woke up at 10:30 saying "eat eat!" This is her sitting on Daddy eating fishy crackers, having a bottle, and watching TV.