Loooong visit! They were upgrading their computer system which means it took forever for them to log in her vaccinations. Ugh... took forever!
BUT anyway down to the info. She is doing great. The only two things we talked about as a "keep an eye on" sorta way was her head size and the fact she isn't walking yet. The walking the doctor wasn't worried about really. She said her kids didn't walk till after 20 months. And Belle didn't walk until 16 months. She asked if Moya was pretty laid back and she is... she likes to just rummage in her toys. Doc said that kids who are happy where they are tend to walk later because they just don't mind not getting around. And Moya does her army crawl so well she is probably just content moving how she does. She also asked about how Moya is socially and verbally. Moya is above average just like Belle in her vocabulary. And she is just the most social baby I've ever seen! Take her to the store or anywhere and she waves and smiles to everyone like she is running for office! So doc said that she thinks she is just focused on that and not so much the getting around.
But the doctor did give me a number of a place that helps with developmental stuff. She said to give them a call cause it takes 2 or more months to get an appointment. If in 2 months Moya is walking, or close to then cancel... if not then hey we have the appointment. I'm gonna give Moya another month however before I call. She stands and can take a step while holding hands so I'm not worried.
The head thing I must admit is a nag in the back of my mind even though the doctor didn't seem really concerned. Moya has a big ole head apparently and if it keeps growing then the concern is that there is fluid or something building up in there. The doctor said that seeing as how Belle, and Brad are uh... not exactly pin heads :) that chances are everything is normal. They will see what it measures out to be when she goes for her 18 month check up. But as a mom all I keep hearing in my head is "fluid building up..." and so I worry a little.
In other news she is 22 + pounds and 31 inches long. She got two shots which made her mad but she recovered quickly. I think the highlight for her were the blinds on the windows however... oh my lordy she wouldn't leave them alone! :)