Saturday, February 13, 2010

Belle's Happiest Memory

It will soon make sense why a Belle story is posted here. Last night Belle and I were reading Harry Potter The Prisoner of Askaban. We had gotten to the part where Lupin is teaching Harry how to produce a Pratronus to fight off the dementors. In order to do this he has to think of his happiest memory. On a whim I turned to Belle an asked her what her happiest memory was. I was thinking she would say Disneyland or something like that. But instead, without any hesitation she said "When Moya was born!" I think I scared her because I just instantly started tearing up. I mean I knew that was an emotional event for her and I know she loves her sister but I had no idea she felt so strongly about it!

I'm so glad Belle was there for that, I'm so glad Moya has Belle for a big sister. And I'm so grateful that it was such a happy memory for Belle. I knew that someday if Belle remembered this event that it would be a very special important memory for her. I just didn't expect her to realize it so soon. She's such a strong deep feeling person. It's just wonderful.

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