Saturday, February 20, 2010


When Moya was born she HATED her baths. Would cry like you were hurting her. So it is funny that now it is one of her favorite parts of the day. We play, just her and me. It is our special time together. She has a good number of bath toys. Her favorites currently are some books and some cups she got for her birthday. She also loves it when I blow bubbles for her. She actually says "bubbles" perfectly!

Our typical routine is we play with the toys some. I read her the books; Baby's Bathtime, The Castle (one of Belle's old favorites), The Jungle, and "Who Lives In The Pond." I love how these books are teaching her to talk and communicate. The Baby's Bathtime book has been great in particular. She has learned what hair is. One page says "I have my hair washed" and I have been putting her hand on her head at that part and saying "wash your hair." Well the other day she did it all on her own when we came to that page! And now when she wants to go to take her bath she will say "bubbles!" and put her hand to her head to show she wants to wash her hair. So now Moya can ask for her bath. So supper cute. And if you say "hair" to her she will touch her hair.
At the end of the Baby's Bathtime book it says "I get dried in a big towel" and I always show Moya her towel when we get to that page. So when Moya is done with her bath and wants out she will grab the book, open to that page and point to the baby in the towel and then point to outside the tub to her towel. So smart this girl!
And then there is just the fun things she's learning. Like with the Jungle book she growls like a tiger when we open the flap on front with the tiger, and 'oo oo' like a monkey at the end of the book when the Monkeys swing. :)
Anyway, I really love our bath times.... fun, educational, and special.

OH and these pictures of her in the bath... I had gotten her these bath cups which she loves. The one with her surprised face she had just flicked up the cup full of water and splashed herself right in the face. Amazingly I snaped the shot at the right time.

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