Sunday, June 21, 2009


Moya has a problem. She wants to sit up and play but can't yet. She can hold her head fine and has awesome tummy muscles. In other words, the strength is there, it is just the balance that she's not mastered yet. So we got her a Bumbo. She has a sitting support thing already that use to be Belle's but it is for babies who can sit just still fall a bit. But the Bumbo is contoured to hold her up. It also has a tray she can put toys on to play with.

I was hesitant to buy it at first because I figured it would get a few months use and then what would we do with it. But after seeing her face when I put her in it the first time... well I have no regrets. She absolutely LOVES it.

We sat her in it and she was quiet and looked around as if she were just seeing the room for the first time. She then just started flappin her arms and smiling! Instantly it was obvious how much she loved her new position. She played for several minutes in it until blessing it by pooping. :) ... different chair you do that in kid, I'll show you in a year or so.

Anyway, she was very happy to have it. If she only uses it for a few months then fine, it was still worth the money... I mean can ya really put a price on that smile? Didn't think so.

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