Thursday, May 29, 2008

Telling Gaga

So we decided that since all seems to be going well we'd go ahead and tell immediate family. The difficulty is with telling my mom is that it is hard to find a moment without Belle around and since we don't want her to know just yet I had to get clever.

So Belle was playing in the living room and distracted, I took the latest ultrasound picture and sat by my mom at the table. I asked her what the date was. She answered. I said "Good to know... you know... its a very important day and all." Then I put the ultrasound picture in front of her.

Then she looked at it... and looked at it... and looked at it. I think about 5 minutes went by. I was starting to worry or wonder why she'd not said anything. Finally she looks up and said something like "What is this?" I just smiled and then I think it finally dawned on her. She later told me that for some reason it just didn't click at first. That she thought it was an old ultrasound picture of Belle but couldn't figure out why it had today's date on it.

Once she got it she teared up and was very happy of course. :)

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