I had been tracking my basal temp for 2 months now. I'd noticed that the day I start my period my temp would drop drastically from where it had been. I also had read that if it doesn't drop then that probably means you're pregnant. Well today was the 32nd day of my cycle and thus when I would most likely start my period. This morning I kept having back to back dreams that were the same. I would wake up (in my dream) take my temp... see it was 98.1 decide to take a pregnancy test, and it was positive. These dreams were SO vivid that each time I felt it was real and then would sorta wake up for real and be disapointed. When I woke at 6am I decided to take my temp and it was 98.0. But this was still over an hour earlier then I normaly take it so I went back to sleep. Had ANOTHER dream like the others.. followed by an out of no where one about taking Koo Si to the movies (I don't know what brought that on). :) So at 7:20 I woke up and took my temp for real this time. It was 98.2!! So I decided I'd test.
Two pink lines showed up. I am pregnant! I hid the test in my bedside table... I want to keep it a secret until I can surprise Brad. Later I called my doctor and talked with Dr. Johansen. She said the earliest they'd be able to really see anything would be the week of the 19th. Then the following week they'd be able to see if there was a fetus. So I have an appointment on May 20th at 9am. They will do an ultrasound to see if the baby is in my uterus or the tubes... hopefully not the tubes.
I have a good feeling about this so I'm sure all will be fine.
So now I need to tell Brad. I originally had wanted to wait until I got an unltrasound photo and was going to frame it for him. I bought today a frame with two slots. In one I was going to put a picture of Belle and the othe the ultrasound. But I don't think I can wait till the 20th! For one thing, I'm not that patient, another I don't want Brad in the dark for another 2 weeks. And lastly... Brad isn't stupid... we've been trying and he will start asking soon. Plus, the big friggin grin on my face will be a dead give away before long.
So I'm thinking I'll put two photos of Belle in the frame and in one tape a word bubble next to her saying "I'm gonna be a big sister!" Now I just need to pick/find a time to tell him. I can't wait!
We're going to wait on telling Belle until the pregnancy is more established. Same with my mom and the rest of the family...well we'll probably tell them sooner then we will Belle but still... big secret for a while. It is weird right now being the only one who knows (aside from my doctor). I find myself giggling.
Oh I hope Belle will be happy. She's my angel and always will be. I don't want her to feel pushed aside by this at all. She'll be our partner in it all this time around. I love her so much. And oh man.... now we'll have two little angels!
How am I feeling? Well physically I feel fine. My breasts are a little tender and have been for a few days now. Not a lot, in fact if I wasn't really paying attention I might not even notice it, but it is there. Otherwise no real change yet. Emotionally I feel a mixture of excitement and disbelief. I mean I kinda had a feeling I was but after all those dreams this morning I can't help but feel I'm still dreaming! I also have that worry starting a little in my head. When I dropped off Belle at home from school today I went back and checked the test to make sure, again, I read it right. I mean this early you don't really 'feel' pregnant so you need that solid assurance. :) I also of course am a little worried about this one taking. I've been pregnant before and lost it so I'm trying to be caution about how excited I get.