Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Talking in her sleep and dreams

The last two nights Moya wanted me to sleep with her. Middle of the night the first night she yells "NEMO! NEMO!!!" and then later "I and shall call him Squishy and he will be mine." Obviously dreaming about Nemo or playing Nemo with her toys. :) Normaly I'd be upset about being woken by yells in the night but how could I when it's so cute!

Last night in the middle of the night it was a simple sigh and "dinasours." But then she woke up this morning and instantly rolled over and said to me "I played in the snow mommy! I made a snowman! That was fun!" I asked her if that's what she drempt about and she nodded and said yes all excitedly. I love that she can tell me about her dreams! And she obviously really enjoyed making that snowman last winter!

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