Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Nemo and Cars

Moya has two obsessions; Nemo and Cars. She absolutely loves these movies but more so she loves reenacting them with her toys.

With Cars she loves to stand at the livingroom window pile all her cars on the windowsil... which can get more then a little crowded. Then she takes a car in each hand and zooms them over the window. I don't know what awesomeness this is to her but it is. :) She will also stand there and have the characters from Cars reenact the movie. Which is hillarious. She will do the entire movie including the songs.

Nemo is similar although when she reenacts the movie it is far more intense. She will yell and scream the lines. It can get pretty loud. But it is so amazingly sweet to watch. She has several places she likes to play with her Nemo toys. She plays with them in this little fishbowl toy she has, or a bucket of water in the sink, the swimming pool, and the bathtub. Auntie also gave her this amazingly awesome scrolling Nemo sea scene thing that Moya LOVES. She now likes to play Nemo in front of that as well.

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