Monday, October 1, 2012


This morning Moya yelled in her sleep, "Xbox! Play Nemo!!" :)

She has heard us using the voice command for the xbox and I guess in her sleep decided it was time for Nemo. :)

No Xbox doesn't play Nemo on command but hey... worth a shot! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Moya's Show of Love

Moya is a hugger. She LOVES to hug and cuddle and give kisses. She is SO affectionate it is awesome! But she also does this thing I just love where she will hug me and then lean back and put both her hands on my cheeks and just look at me intensly and smile. It's such a pure and wonderful show of love. She's just looking at her mommy and holding my face. She will often say "I love you mommy" when she does this but something she just looks and smiles and then gives me another hug. MELTS my heart into a big ole puddle.

Talking in her sleep and dreams

The last two nights Moya wanted me to sleep with her. Middle of the night the first night she yells "NEMO! NEMO!!!" and then later "I and shall call him Squishy and he will be mine." Obviously dreaming about Nemo or playing Nemo with her toys. :) Normaly I'd be upset about being woken by yells in the night but how could I when it's so cute!

Last night in the middle of the night it was a simple sigh and "dinasours." But then she woke up this morning and instantly rolled over and said to me "I played in the snow mommy! I made a snowman! That was fun!" I asked her if that's what she drempt about and she nodded and said yes all excitedly. I love that she can tell me about her dreams! And she obviously really enjoyed making that snowman last winter!

Nemo and Cars

Moya has two obsessions; Nemo and Cars. She absolutely loves these movies but more so she loves reenacting them with her toys.

With Cars she loves to stand at the livingroom window pile all her cars on the windowsil... which can get more then a little crowded. Then she takes a car in each hand and zooms them over the window. I don't know what awesomeness this is to her but it is. :) She will also stand there and have the characters from Cars reenact the movie. Which is hillarious. She will do the entire movie including the songs.

Nemo is similar although when she reenacts the movie it is far more intense. She will yell and scream the lines. It can get pretty loud. But it is so amazingly sweet to watch. She has several places she likes to play with her Nemo toys. She plays with them in this little fishbowl toy she has, or a bucket of water in the sink, the swimming pool, and the bathtub. Auntie also gave her this amazingly awesome scrolling Nemo sea scene thing that Moya LOVES. She now likes to play Nemo in front of that as well.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Awesome Hello

I was bringing Belle home from camp and Gaga was just bringing Moya home from Auntie's. She told Moya she saw Mommy. I hear "Mommy!!! I gonna get you!!!" I look over and see her running for me, HUGE HUGE grin and her little bouncy run. I meet her and pick her up and she grabs my face and gives me a big Moya kiss. Let me explain a Moya kiss... she puckers her lips in a thin but pushed out way. She then kisses you while saying "MMMMMMMM-WAAAAAA!!!!" with her eyes open in a wilded eye way. It would be terrifying if not so dang cute. :)

So I get a big long Moya kiss, and then she hugs me around the neck tightly with her head on my shoulder and patting my back. Then she says "I got you mommy! I love you mommy!" With more hugs and kisses. I carry her inside and get a few more cuddles.

Moya is such and affectionate child. I love it. She will wake up in the morning and pate my face to wake me when I sleep next to her. She'll lean over half asleep in the middle of the night and kiss me. She will run up and hug her sister or Brad or Gaga. She'll talk about her friends at Auntie's and Auntie and how they love her and she loves them.

I hope she is always like this. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sore Butt

Poor Moya has had a weird rash on her butt. Took her to the doctor and it turned out to be a form of strep. They gave her antibiotics and some cream. But it has been several days of horrible diaper changes. Crying, screaming, fighting us. Sooooo sad and heart breaking.

She is better now but still a bit traumatized. Last night she kept having nightmares crying in her sleep saying "no no no change diaper!" :(

Poor monkey just hate seeing her in pain.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Little Angel

Night before last we lost my grandpa and one of our baby guinea pigs. So last night we held a little ceremony for the guinea pig. Moya stayed upstairs while Brad, Belle, and I buried him in a pot and said goodbye. Belle came upstairs VERY upset, crying, and went into her room. Moya stopped what she was doing, looked after Belle and just took off after her saying "what's the matter Belle?" She then stayed at Belle's door knocking gently at it and saying "it's ok Belle. It's ok."

I went and took her in to Belle's room and she climbed on Belle's bed and hugged her and kissed her. Then started talking about Monster High and doing Lion-O's "Thundercats Ho!" from Thundercats. It was an obvious attempt to cheer Belle up by trying to get her thinking about stuff she knew Belle liked.

Belle was touched but needed some time alone so I had Moya give Belle her munch-munch and a kiss and then we let her be.

But I was just so moved by how empathetic and sweet and loving and selfless Moya was. She is such an affectionate girl.

6/19/12  - Update: I mentioned this to Belle's therapist and she was amazed and said it is extremely uncommon for a 3 year old to be that empathetic. That empathy for others is something we have to teach to some degree. We have a certain amount of the ability we are born with but it has to be cultivated. And usually by 3 it's not so strongly there. But the fact that Moya could see pain, understand it, and do so much to try and make Belle feel better was amazing! :) Very cool.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I handed Moya her first Oreo cookie... She twists the top off and scraps the frosting out with her fingers. Awesome. :)