Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Moya is OBSESSED with coloring. It's all she wants to do lately. :) So cute too. She'll ask to "Draw?" And "Crum?"... which means crayon. She will demand all the colors under the rainbow and then bring the drawing to us and say "Yay!" Which is what she does to ask for praise for her pretty work.

It's awesome. I love that she is enjoying it. However she has now taken to coloring everywhere! :) She knows she isn't supposed to but she'll grab her crayons, give us a stinker look, and then run down the hall cackling. Next we hear the tell tale sound of crayon to wall. We will be painting the house when this phase is done. :)

She has gottten better at not eating the crayons although we still occasionally have to remove them from the mouth.

I may have two little artists now! :)

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