Thursday, March 3, 2011

Benifits of Being Home Sick

So I've been home sick since the weekend. It sucks but on the plus side I've gotten to spend a lot of time with Moya and Belle. I've been missing them because work has been so crazy lately.

Moya has been insanely clingy to me too. She obviously has missed me as well. The other day I was in the bathroom and I hear her yell from the living room "Mommy! Where are you?!" I hurried out to see her happy bouncing smile. She keeps running up to me and hugging my leg and asking for hugs and kisses.

Today I was resting in my bed for awhile and she was in the living room coloring and she just jumped up and took her drawing to the door of my room and said "Mommy! Yay!" which is what she says when she wants to show you a picture she did that she is proud of. :) Gaga said she didn't tell her to go show me that she just knew to do it and wanted to show Mommy.

And a few nights ago Moya, who is also sick, was sleeping with Brad and I in our bed and I had to get up to go to the bathroom. She was SO upset that I left she started crying and coughing and she ended up vomiting! Not the show of love I'd wish for her to do but it definitely was touching. I sat up with her till after 1am getting her to laugh and smile and then finally go to sleep again.

I love my little girl (both of them!) so much. :) I love spending every moment I can with them.

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