Thursday, September 23, 2010

More Walking!

Tonight was awesome. I was sitting with Moya and having her walk to me. She walked about 4 steps to me 3 times! I was yelling "yay!" and clapping, Belle heard me from her room and came running asking if Moya was walking. We told her yes so she asked to see. I told her Moya may not do it again cause she was getting tired but I was wrong! I told Belle to see if Moya would come to her and she did! Moya walked the farthest she's gone yet, walking from me to her sister. Belle just freaked out she was so excited. She gave Moya so many hugs and kisses Moya started grumpin at her! :)

Moya just loves her sister so it is no surprise that she would walk to her without any hesitation.

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