Tuesday, September 21, 2010

100 Words

1. Dada
2. Mama (although she rarely will say it!) :)
3. Gaga
4. Uh-oh
5. Bubbles
6. Eat
7. No
8. Meow (Moow)
9. That (Dat)
10. Hi
11. Hello
12. Thank you (dank oooh)
13. Hi Baby (Ha Beh Beh)
14. Big Bird
15. Night Night
16. Wow!
17. Bubblebee
18. Belle
19. Bye bye
20. One
21. Eye (eye) ... and she knows what it is!... poke your eye out if you aren't careful. :)
22. Yeah
23. Cookie
24. Ducky
25. Belly Button
26. Nose
27. Book
28. Ball
29. Milk
30. Poopy
31. Here ya go
32. Two
33. One
34. Three (free)
35. Four (foo)
36. Five (feev)
37. Six (seex)
38. Hat
39. Teeth (teef)
40. Pee - knows this for peas, the letter "P", and pee pee. :)
41. Water (waah)
42. Seven
43. Eight
44. Nine
45. Yuck
46. Bird
47. Elmo
48. Car
49. OK
50. Kiss (Key)
51. Noodle
52. Play
53. Walk
54. Again
55. Sesame (sesseee) As in Sesame Street.
56. Rain
57. Egg
58. Sing
59. Song
60. World
61. Poke
62. Bad
63. Hot
64. Why
65. Towel
66. Nice
67. Mean
68. Side
69. What's That?
70. Where'd you go?
71. Poopy
72. Sad
73. There you are!
74. Here ya go?
75. Toy
78. Cracker
79. Ten
80. Eleven
81. Twelve
82. Thirteen
83. More
84. Ready
85. Happy Birthday to you
86. Good Job
87. Computer
88. Count
89. Ear
90. Toes
91. Foot
92. Hair
93. Sure
94. Yes
95. Boowa
96. Moya
97. Bunny
98. Chicken
99. Cereal
100. Ouch
101! Welcome

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