Moya had her 18 month check up today. She is for the most part developing just great. She's tall and thin! :) Not really "thin" she just kinda appears that way since she's in the 95 percentile for height and only 50 for weight. It amuses me that she's not in the 100th for weight seeing as how much she loves to eat. But I guess she's putting all that fuel to growing upwards.
Her head is still big too but has plateaued out so not a worry for the doctor.
So we talked about her not walking yet. Her doctor watched Moya curse around the room, pulling herself up and plopping down. She pointed out that Moya has a very open gate and leans forward with stiff locked legs. She doesn't ease herself down she plops, and she doesn't push up to a stand. She said that to her it looks like Moya is trying to compensate for something. It could be a joint problem or a muscle problem. She also said it could be nothing at all or something that is working itself on it's own.
She moved around her legs and didn't feel anything in the joint department. She said her thigh muscles felt slightly underdeveloped but so slightly that if she wasn't looking for it she may not have even noticed. She ordered x-rays to rule out anything with the bones and joints and told me to call Kindering, a children's physical therapy place.
I feel bad... her last visit the doctor told me to call them. I didn't because shortly after that visit Moya started pulling herself up and cruising around. I figured we were good. Now I wish I had called. Brubaker told me not to feel bad that kids do that and she is not convinced there is anything wrong here. But it is better to be safe then sorry.
I asked her if it is something "wrong", if everything she's thinking it could be was fixable and she said "yes." So there is that.
I told Brad and my mom about it when we got home. Belle overheard and got really upset. She was worried that Moya would never walk or be in a wheelchair. :( I have to admit my mind went to all those places too but I told Belle what the doctor had said, that all would be fixable. I also told her to look at Moya and how she climbs over everything, crawls around lightening fast... the kid has no trouble moving! I assured Belle that this was all very good signs. I think it is so wonderful that Belle loves her little sister so much.
So appointments made for x-ray and a call in to the physical therapy place... hopefully it's all just an exercise in being cautious.
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