Sunday, August 22, 2010

Carseat Joy

So after the car sickness trip to the zoo I had to take the car seat out and dismantle it in order to put the cover in the wash. I decided maybe it was time to switch it to forward facing. Legally we could have done so after she turned 1 but it is safer refacing so we've kept it like that. But is it really safe to have her vomiting when in the car more then 30 minutes? I don't think so.

Her first trip in the car seat after it was switched around was a short drive to the store. But oh my goodness you'd of thought we were on a roller coaster at Disneyland! She truly went "Weeeeee!!!!" All the way there and back, looking around and smiling. It was hilarious. I think this may be the cure for her loathing of long car drives (and by long I mean anything over 20 minutes).

And just look at my two pretty girls! :) I also prefer her seated this way because I can see both of them better and reach around to tickle toes while stopped at stoplights. :)

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