Friday, July 9, 2010

Counting! ... No Really!!

Moya can count! Seriously she can count to at least 4, and I think up to 6.

Last night it was really warm... hot in the house. She didn't like it and didn't want to go to sleep in it. She hated the heat but didn't like having a fan blowing on her either. It wasn't so bad in her room if you were still and not bundled up in mommy's arms. I decided to just lay her in her crib and sing to her and hope that she would lay down and fall asleep. Well it wasn't working. :) She was standing up in her crib cruising around. I said, jokingly of course, "Moya lay down. I'm gonna count to 3 and you better be laying down." I said "1..." and next thing I hear is her saying in the absolutely cutest way, "twooo... freee (three)..." My jaw dropped! I picked her up and took her out into the living room to show daddy. She did it again!

I then let her play in her playpen in the living room awhile and we counted together. She got up to 6 but you can tell her confidence is 1-4.

Now if this isn't amazing enough it gets better! So I figured, and commented to Gaga this morning how it's amazing that Moya knows the sequence of saying 1 through 4 and maybe 5 and 6 but that we know she doesn't really get the concept of true counting yet. Well... we were wrong! This evening she is looking at one of her books, a baby counting book. You know the ones that have 5 pictures of balls with the number 5 on the page. Really simple. Anyway, Moya was on the page with hats. She first would point to the hat and say "haht" which is how she says "hat" and then she would pat her head! That was cool in itself that she knows what they are and where they go. But then she starts pointing to one of the hats and says "One." then to the next hat "Twoo..." and the next "Three..." she was COUNTING them!!

I guess that big ole head really is holding a big and amazing brain. :)

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