This afternoon I went in to get her after her nap and she sits up and hands me her munch-munch and says "Here ya go!" and then grabs her pacifier and hands it to me with another "here ya go!" And then reaches up for me to pick her up. So sweet. Gotta try and get that on video.
So the word list is as follows so far...
1. Dada
2. Mama (although she rarely will say it!) :)
3. Gaga
4. Uh-oh
5. Bubbles
6. Eat
7. No
8. Meow (Moow)
9. That (Dat)
10. Hi
11. Hello (Herow)
12. Thank you (dank oooh)
13. Hi Baby (Ha Beh Beh)
14. Big Bird (Be Bur)
15. Night Night (nigh nigh)
16. Wow!
17. Bubblebee (bu bu beeh)
18. Belle
19. Bye bye
20. One (wuh)
21. Eye (eye) ... and she knows what it is!... poke your eye out if you aren't careful. :)
22. Yeah (yah)
23. Cookie (cuh key)
24. Ducky
25. Belly Button (Bay Buh tee)
26. Nose (noooss)
27. Book
28. Ball
29. Milk (sunm-Meek)... we think the "sunm" sound she puts at the begining is actually "some" for "some milk" but we aren't sure yet so I'll not count that as 2 words yet.
30. Poopy
31. Here ya go