Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Moya Today

Moya's back to going over to Alysa's more often this week. Brad goes back to work next week so we have increased her days to 3 this week to help get her back use to it. She's doing awesome! She still does the hyperventilating breathing and pitiful looks at me when I leave her but she recovers well and is having fun there.

Her current favorite food is "Mommy-Mac-n-Cheese" she just LOVES it apparently. Alysa says she just wolfs it down. I'm glad she likes it so much. She's such a foody. The last two days she's woken up around 7:30 and demanded breakfast. We usually have her eat over at Alysa's but we've had to break up her breakfasts. So she has eggs and veggies here and then pancakes and fruit over there.

When I got home tonight Moya had already eaten dinner. She looks up from the table and blows me a kiss. I gave her her bath early. We had out normal good fun. She loves her bath. We go in the bathroom and she pushes the door shut herself and says "uh-oh" it's our little joke that "uh-oh it's Mommy/Moya time."

I just love her to pieces. :)

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