Sunday, January 10, 2010

'Uh-Oh!' and Trying to Talk

Moya is trying very hard to talk to us now. She does the, what I call, purposeful baby chatter. Where she is making word like noises with inflections that mimic ours. It's very cute. And she is very good at it. She also is starting to get some noises that sound pretty close to real words.

Her best 'sentence' is "uh-oh" which she actually says perfectly! She also knows WHEN to say it and enjoys throwing things on the floor at meal time in order to have an excuse to use her knew phrase.

Other words include:

"Dat!" which we think means "that". This is kinda her catch all word for anything she is pointing at. She will point and yell "Dat!" Tonight she was doing it at the streamers Belle and I had hang for her birthday tomorrow. She smiled and pointed and say "Dat!" almost as if to say "hey how cool is that?" She was obviously wanting to shaire her opinion of the decorations with us.

"buba buba" which translates to "bubbles". This she uses in the bath when I blow bubbles for her.

She also I swear said "Tad" this morning. We have this doll called Baby Tad. It is the frog from the Leap Frog series of cartoons and learning gear for kids. Anyway it plays music and sings when you press one of the buttons on it's belly. We have it on her changing table to distract her while she gets changed. This morning when she woke up she pointed towards the changing table and said "Tad".

Speaking of Tad, she also is starting to sing along with him! Each of the different buttons plays a different song. It will say "That's the yellow star" and then proceed to play 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' for example. Well Moya knows which button plays which song and for each she will start singing it's song once she hears which button is pushed. For 'Twinkle Twinkle' she makes this cute "Ha wa wa wa" sound whic matches the "... how I wonder what you are." part of the song. For 'Ba Ba Black Sheep' she starts going "Ba ba ba..." and for "Oh Where Oh Where Has my Little Dog Gone" she starts to growl. :)

I love this age. I love hearing her little voice and her trying to figure out this talking thing.

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