Monday, January 18, 2010

1st Birthday

I feel bad we couldn't do more for Moya's first birthday. But with both Daddy and I being unemployed we did the best we could. Still I think Moya had a good time. She LOVED her balloons and decorations. I brought home the balloons and she pointed at them and said said "Dat!" which we think means "that." She wanted to grab them and hit them, which we let her do a lot.

We all then went to Flying Saucer Pizza for lunch. Moya had her own food but we let her taste what we got. We then went home for cake and presents. She didn't know what to make of her cake. She picked at it and seemed to have more fun mushing it into the table! Her method of eating it was to smear it on the back of the paper plate and then lick the plate. Got the job done I guess. :)
She got a lot of good presents too, but was very upset whenever we'd try and take the used wrapping paper away.
All in all it was a nice birthday. Hopefully next year we can afford to take her down to California and be with family for her birthday.
I just can't believe my baby is 1!!!!! She is such a happy wonderful baby. I can't wait to see what this year brings for her. Love you MoMo!!!

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