Friday, September 19, 2008

Doctor Appointment

We had a doctor appointment today at 3:20. But we were late. Never making an appointment for the afternoon on a friday... to crazy to get downtown at that time. The rush resulted in my having a slightly higher blood pressure then normal but not much. I asked the doctor about it and she said it was just the rushing to get there and it wasn't high enough to be worrisome and my second number was good and low.

Uterus was 24 centimeters which is where it should be. Moya's heart rate was 140.. also good. My vitals where good, no protein or glucose in the pee. Weight... I've gained about 15 pounds since pre-pregnancy. :\ But it's weird I still get people acting surprised when they find out I'm pregnant. Apparently if I'm wearing a black shirt and you just see me from the front you can't tell... its only if I turn sideways I show really. So I guess that's good. I don't feel like I've gained any weight other then right in the belly.

Belle came with us again to this appointment which was fun. But she was more into playing with Daddy's Iphone then anything else.

I also got my glucose drink for the next appointment and paperwork for pre-registration to the hospital! I can't believe we are there already. I also got a note from my doctor giving me permission to fly for week after next. She said she'd let me go to disneyland but no Space Mountain for me. :) That's fine, I just want to go and watch Belle go nuts. And Moya, I promise you'll get to go again when you're on the outside and can actually see all the stuff... maybe I'll go ahead and get her some mouse ears now just for fun anyway.

Next doctor appointment is October 17th at 10:50am

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