How your baby's growing:Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, ( the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
This is the last week of your first trimester, and your risk of miscarriage is now much lower than earlier in pregnancy. Next week marks the beginning of your second trimester, a time of relative comfort for many women who see early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue subside. More good news: Many couples also notice a distinct libido lift around this time. Birth is still months away, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid that feeds your baby for the first few days after birth, before your milk starts to flow.
How am I feeling?: I spent a lot of time this past week dealing with my headaches. I talked to the nurse at my OBGYN's office, a lady at a vitamin store, and my friend Tracey who talked with her Midwife on my behalf. Massive thanks to Tracey who I must say was the quickest to respond and had the most info of all the resources.
So what helped? Well for instant relief my doctor said I could take two extra strength Tylenol chased with some caffeine. This definitely kept me from wanting to kill myself after having a massive headache for two days. It didn't get rid of the headache altogether but it helped a ton. The only down side was it gave me a tiny case of the shakes since I don't normally drink caffeine.
But this isn't something I want to do, or can do, every day. So I am started taking some of the advice Tracey gave me. First thing was to up my water intake. I had been drinking 72 ounces a day, now I'm drinking 96. I also changed my diet. More protein, 100 grams a day, and no processed food. I'd already cut out most sugars so that was good. She also recommended acupuncture (as did my doctor). I've got a place to call but haven't yet.
I also added in some magnesium and vitamin d per the vitamin lady's recommendation (and my doctor's ok). I don't know if this will help or not but I'll try anything.
So my last headache was on Tuesday and so far I'm doing better now. In the afternoons I feel like I'm going to get a headache but so far it passes and I'm then okay.
Nausea and tiredness is also getting better. I still feel my worst at night and still tire easily. But I definitely see a big improvement.
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