Thursday, June 12, 2008

First "Official" Appointment

We had our first official appointment today. It started with meeting with the nurse and going over our history and giving us the handouts and info we need for the coming months.

We then met with Dr. Johannsen and got caught up. She did a pap and then an ultrasound where we saw our little baby again. Little heart beat going strong. The baby looked just so cute! Like a little gummy bear with a big ole head, cute round belly and little nubby arms and legs.

Doc said everything is looking just great! We're right at 8 weeks 5 days. Expected due date is still January 17, 2009!

Our next instructions are to set up the first step of the down syndrome screening. We have a ultrasound between 10 1/2 and 13 weeks along with some blood work.

Our next appointment with the doctor is on July 18th a 9:50am.

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