Friday, December 30, 2011


Moya is almost 3. Her vocabulary is excellent and getting better every day. She also has her own little sayings just like Belle did at her age. So I thought I'd write down some of my favorites.

1. "Oh GOSH!"
2. "Mommy!(or whatever she is looking for) Where aaaare you?! Are you hiding?!"
3. (and once she finds what she is looking for) "There you are!"
4. "EEEW! Yuck!"
5. "This is FUN!"
6. "Smell good!"
7. "It's delicious!"
8. "So good!"
9. "It's ok! It's alright!" (says this to reassure herself when she's nervious about something)
10. "Little help?" (said when she wants you to do something.)
11. "Okay" and "Okay sure." (this is her 'yes' response)
12. "What dee heeck!?"

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